Welcome to the Ed.D. Research library guide, your starting point for accessing Archer Library research resources and information for the Doctoral Program in Leadership Studies dissertation research.
What's here? Below is an overview of available resources featuring contact information, research help, and site navigation tips. Take some time and explore the variety of resources available to you and feel free to download the Ed.D. student library overview document located in the drop-down menu.
Faculty librarians at Archer Library are available for research consultations; one-on-one scheduled time to meet with doctoral students, discuss research strategies, and provide general assistance navigating library resources. You are encouraged to work with any librarian on duty at your convenience. However, if you want to be sure there is enough time to fully explore your dissertation topic, we recommend scheduling a research consultation appointment.
Scheduling a research consultation is easy.
The start of your literature review is a great time to meet with a librarian. Why? Librarians can help you structure a search, suggest Boolean strategies, use search limiters, and truncate search terms. We can also provide helpful tips for managing your search in EBSCO database folders and connect to Google Drive. Interested in learning more? Select the literature review tab at the top of the page.
Navigate this guide using the tabs and drop-down menu options located at the top of the page. These resources are updated frequently, we recommend you bookmark this page for later use. Keep in mind, Archer Library guides are available for use online, 24/7.
Curriculum & Instruction Librarian
Head of the IRC
✉ dschreck@ashland.edu
☏ 419-207-6406
Library Main Desk: 419-289-5400
Reference: 419-289-5406
Text Us: 419-938-4134
E-mail: library@ashland.edu