Welcome! This library guide is a starting point for action research. It supports EDFN 504: Action Research for Educational Improvement; a general information sheet is included with the welcome menu. This guide includes the following information and resources:
Explore Machi & McEvoy's Literature Review Model (2009) to learn how librarians can support you during research projects and where the library 'fits' in their six step literature review process. Discover how to incorporate Boolean operators and utilize limiters to strategically focus your search strategies. The literature review page includes a video tutorial for managing your research with Google Drive, EBSCO, and OneSearch, as well as literature review and general citation resources.
Navigate this guide using the tabs located at the top of the page; several include drop-down menu options with additional information. Select a tab to review page contents and use the arrow to locate corresponding topics. Feel free to download, print, and save any handouts provided. Resources are updated frequently, take time to bookmark this resource guide for later use. Archer Library guides are available online, 24/7.
If you have questions about any of the Archer Library resources presented in this guide, or need help using them, feel free to contact me via email at dschreck@ashland.edu.
Ask a Librarian chat is available for help during reference hours; a chat widget is located on this page. You may also email a member of the reference team at library@ashland.edu.