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Archer Library



Archer Library Instruction Program

Faculty Resource • Opportunities for course integrated library instruction
Banner image library classroom plus text: Archer Library course integrated library instruction

Instruction Guidelines


Library Instruction • Guidelines for AI Use

GenAI Tools are used during library instruction at the request of course instructors.

  • Librarians will work with professors to provide suggestions and options for use of AI tools during library instruction for course assignment (e.g., research topic) purposes.
  • Use AI tools to support identified information literacy skills being taught (e.g., keyword and Boolean searching) during library sessions.
  • Use of GenAI during library instruction will include identifying the purpose for tool use (e.g., research), an overview of relevant AI terms, discussion of ethics (e.g., privacy and content), and review of AU academic integrity policy compliance.
  • Goals for use of GenAI during library session will be identified; students will be encouraged to continuously manage and evaluate their ethical use of AI.
  • Citation resources for GenAI results used in academic work, will be introduced and resources available in course library guides as needed. Citation format (e.g., MLA, APA) will be at the discretion of the course instructor.
  • Students will have the opportunity to share their concerns related to AI use as well as potential benefits.
  • Students will be encouraged, but not required, to use AI tools during library instruction sessions.
  • Students will not be required to register for platform accounts when using AI tools during library instruction sessions.
  • AI tools used during library instruction will be modeled / demonstrated by the instruction librarian with input from professors and students (e.g., GenAI prompts).

AU Academic Integrity Policy

Use of GenAI tools during library instruction sessions comply with Ashland University's Academic Integrity Policy, Undergraduate Academic Affairs:

"Using computing resources in a manner that violates University academic integrity policies. Unless explicitly permitted by the instructor, the submission of Artificial Intelligence-generated content as one's original work is one such violation" (2024-25 Catalog, Academic Integrity).

CLEAR • Concise, Logical, Explicit, Adaptive, Reflective

"The CLEAR path: A framework for enhancing information literacy through prompt engineering" - Lo, Leo S

Five Components of the CLEAR Path Framework include: 

1. Concise: brevity and clarity in prompts
"A concise prompt removes superfluous information, allowing AI language models to focus on the most important aspects of the task, resulting in more pertinent and precise responses."

2. Logical: Structured and coherent prompts
"To create a logical prompt, ensure that the provided information follows a natural progression and that the relationships between concepts are evident."

3. Explicit: clear output specifications
"Include specifics about the type of information you seek and how it should be conveyed to make a prompt explicit."

4. Adaptive: flexibility and customization in prompts
"Adaptability entails experimenting with various prompt formulations, phrasings, and temperature settings in order to establish a balance between creativity and concentration"

5. Reflective: continuous evaluation and improvement of prompts
"Make it a habit, when using reflective prompts, to analyze AI-generated content and apply the insights obtained to future prompts."


Lo, L.S. (2023). The CLEAR path: A framework for enhancing information literacy through prompt engineering. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 48(4).



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