Research findings from ACRL Value of Academic Libraries reports indicate the following:
"Information literacy instruction provided to students during their initial coursework helps them acquire a common set of competencies for their undergraduate studies" (ACRL, 2017).
Library use increases student success: students who use the library in some way achieve higher levels of academic success than students who did not use the library (ACRL, 2017).
"Information literacy instruction strengthens general education outcomes" (ACRL, 2017).
"Library research consultations boost student learning. One-on-one or small-group reference and research assistance with a librarian enhances academic success" (ACRL, 2016).
Association of College & Research Libraries. (2015, February 9). Framework for information literacy for higher education. American Library Association.
Association of College & Research Libraries. (2006, September 6). Guidelines for instruction programs in academic libraries. American Library Association.
Association of College & Research Libraries. (2023, June 23). Proficiencies for assessment in academic libraries. American Library Association.
Boucher, D. (2016, October). Encouraging student self-reflection. Math Coach's Corner.
Schrecker, D. (2021, October 4). Dedication ceremony: Active learning lab. Archer Library News Blog.
Association of College & Research Libraries. (2015). Framework for information literacy for higher education [Banner image].
Flaticon. (n.d.). Left quote symbol [icon]. Freepik.
Flaticon. (n.d.) Right quote symbol [icon]. Freepik.
Storyset, (2022). Online document [graphic]. Freepik.
Storyset. (2022). Search engines [graphic]. Freepik.
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Change across all facets of society—including demographic, technological, and economic change—has the potential to greatly impact higher education and the academic library. As we move further into the 21st century, it is important to pay attention to the trends around us to inform our thinking about where institutions of higher education and their libraries are headed (ACRL, 2018). | ![]() |
Association of College and Research Libraries. (2018). ACRL Value of academic libraries. Retrieved May, 18, 2022 from
Association of College and Research Libraries. (2018). Assessment in action bibliography. ACRL Value of academic libraries. Retrieved May, 18, 2022 from
Association of College and Research Libraries. (2017). Academic library impact on student learning and success: Findings from assessment in action team projects. [Executive Summary].
Association of College and Research Libraries. (2016). Documented library contributions to student learning and success: Evidence with team-based assessment in action changes. [Executive Summary].
Brown, K., & Malenfant, K.J. (2017). Academic library impact on student learning and success: Findings from assessment in action team projects. Association of College and Research Libraries
Brown, K. & Malenfant, K.J. (2016). Documented library contributions to student learning and success: Evidence with team-based assessment in action changes. Association of College and Research Libraries.
Interested in learning more? These database articles discuss information literacy, library instruction, and ACRL's Framework. Article titles link to the resource located in Archer Library's Databases. Authentication, your AU username & password, is required for off-campus use.
Dahlen, S. P. C., & Leuzinger, R. (2020). Impact of library instruction on the development of student skills in synthesis and source attribution: A model for academic program assessment. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(6).
Foskey, A., & Roper, A. (2020). Constructing authority: Using the ACRL Framework to connect with underserved students. College & Research Libraries News, 81(10), 508–511.
Hsieh, M. L., Dawson, P. H., & Yang, S. Q. (2021). The ACRL Framework successes and challenges since 2016: A survey. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(2), 1-10.
Kowalski, M., Meals, C., & Rusk, F. (2021). Transforming theory into practice: Creating student-centered instructional activities rooted in the Framework. College & Research Libraries News, 82(3), 114–120.
Rowe, J., Leuzinger, J., Hargis, C., & Harker, K. R. (2021). The impact of library instruction on undergraduate student success: A four-year study. College & Research Libraries, 82(1), 7–18.
Wright, L. B. (2021). Assessing library instruction: A study of the relationship between attendance, retention, and student success. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(5).
Levin-Banchik, L. (2022). Inclusive assessment of class participation: students’ takeaways as a one-minute paper. PS, 55(1), 171–175.
Marshall, J. (2019, November 25). One-Minute paper: Assess through student expression. USF TEAch.
Stevens, T. E. (2019). Just One More Thing: Getting the Most Out of One-Minute Papers. Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice, 7(1), 38–45.
Thomas, L. (2019, April 26). 7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment. Edutopia.