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READ 210 • Foundations of Literacy: Curriculum Texts

IRC collection, resources, and information resources for Professor Franz, READ 210.

Curriculum Textbooks • Overview

Photograph of the curriculum textook section

Basal readers, language arts K - 12 curriculum textbooks, are located on the library second floor, directly outside of the IRC and adjacent to the activity books. This textbook collection also includes subject areas such as math, history, and science.

There are five sections of Language Arts textbooks, grades K - 12, with student and teacher editions. More recent collections, textbooks published 2007 forward, include teacher edition texts only. Keep in mind, student texts are available within the teacher editions.

Curriculum textbooks are part of the IRC Collection and circulate for a period of three weeks. Remember, you may check your library account online at any time to check due dates, keep up to date with OhioLINK requests, and renew books.


A closer look

Curriculum Textbooks

Explore select basal readers available in the IRC circulating collection. Titles are available for review and informaitonal purposes only.  Not all of the titles are on the current ODE list of approved textbook list.

Wonders grade 1, unit 1 TE book coverWonders, 2023
McGraw Hill

Call # Lang McGr 2023

Editions Available:
Grades 1 - 5


WonWonders book coverders: CSS Reading, 2017
McGraw Hill
Call# Lang Mcgr 2017

Editions Available:
Grades 1-6

ReaReading Streetding Street, 2011
Pearson Scott Foresman

Call# Lang Pear 2011

Editions Available:
Grades K-6




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