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READ 210 • Foundations of Literacy: Caldecott & Newbery

IRC collection, resources, and information resources for Professor Franz, READ 210.

Caldecott Titles • Overview

Photo of Candecott section

Caldecott Medal Terms & Criteria

"The Medal shall be awarded annually to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children published by an American publisher in the United States in English during the preceding year. There are no limitations as to the character of the picture book except that the illustrations be original work. Honor books may be named. These shall be books that are also truly distinguished" (Randolph Caldecott Medal, ALA).

"The award is restricted to artists who are citizens or residents of the United States. Books published in a U.S. territory or U.S. commonwealth are eligible" (Randolph Caldecott Medal, ALA).

Juvenile Collection

Archer Library's juvenile collection has at least two copies of every Caldecott Award winning title from 1938 to the present. One copy is shelved in the Caldecott Award section; titles are presented according to the year they won they award.  Titles in the award section have a status of Local Use Only, they are only available for AU students, faculty, and staff to check out.

The second copy is cataloged with a Library of Congress call number and shelved in the juvenile collection. They are available to circulate to all Archer Library patrons and may be requested from OhioLINK libraries.

Medal Information & Catalog Links

Newbery Titles • Overview

Newbery award books

Newbery Medal Terms & Criteria

"The Medal shall be awarded annually to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children published by an American publisher in the United States in English during the preceding year. There are no limitations as to the character of the book considered except that it be original work. Honor books may be named. These shall be books that are also truly distinguished" (John Newbery Medal, ALA).

"The Award is restricted to authors who are citizens or residents of the United States" (John Newbery Medal, ALA).

Juvenile Collection

Archer Library's juvenile collection has at least two copies of every Newbery Award winning title from 1922 to the present. One copy is shelved in the Newbery Award section; titles are presented according to the year they won they award. Titles in the award section have a status of Local Use Only, they are only available for AU students, faculty, and staff to check out.

The second copy is cataloged with a Library of Congress call number and shelved in the juvenile collection. They are available to circulate to all Archer Library patrons and may be requested from OhioLINK libraries.

Medal Information & Catalog Links



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