Information possesses several dimensions of value, including as a commodity, as a means of education, as a means to influence, and as a means of negotiating and understanding the world. Legal and socioeconomic interests influence information production and dissemination (ACRL, 2015)
Knowledge Practices: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Dispositions: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Research is iterative and depends upon asking increasingly complex or new questions whose answers in turn develop additional questions or lines of inquiry in any field (ACRL, 2015).
Knowledge Practices: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Dispositions: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Searching for information is often nonlinear and iterative, requiring the evaluation of a range of information sources and the mental flexibility to pursue alternate avenues as new understanding develops (ACRL, 2015).
Knowledge Practices: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Dispositions: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Information in any format is produced to convey a message and is shared via a selected delivery method. The iterative processes of researching, creating, revising, and disseminating information vary, and the resulting product reflects these differences (ACRL 2015).
Knowledge Practices: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
Dispositions: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities
2 pages of New England Primer, with illus. of letters G through S; illus. and text have Biblical theme. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,
Association of College & Research Libraries. (2015, February 9). Framework for information literacy for higher education. American Library Association.
EBSCO. (2022, June 21). Searching with Boolean operators. EBSCO Connect.
EBSCO Information Services. (2023). Top 5 searching strategies handout. EBSCO Connect promotional materials.
JSTOR (2020). JSTOR logos: Use & permissions. JSTOR Supoprt.
JSTOR. (2022). Searching: Boolean operators. JSTOR Support.
JSTOR. (2022). Searching: Truncation, wildcards and proximity. JSTOR Support.
Smithsonian Institution. “Slate.” Smithsonian Institution, Accessed 19 Sept. 2023.
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. "Catherine Maria Sedgwick. Yours truly Catherine Maria Sedgwick" The New York Public Library Digital Collections.
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. "A mapp of New England." The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1675.
Reitz, J.M. (2014). ODLIS: Online dictionary for library and information science.