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Course Content • Can I Use This?: Archer Library Resources

Archer Library resources & information for online course content development

Your Online Course • Library Resources

Explore how to use Archer Library resources in your online course. Here you will find steps for locating and using database articles, identifying and creating permalinks for articles, information concerning copyright and library databases, and differences between DOI and permalinks.  Work through the content from left to right, or choose a topic that is of interest to you.

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Library Database Content & Your Course

Explore the A to Z Database List • Find the best library databases for your research.


Library website screenshot  

Archer Library

Access the A to Z Database List on Archer Library's home page.

Directly below the OpenSearch box is a collection of Library Resource links; choose Databases to view the A to Z List.

Archer Library LibGuides homepage screenshot  

A to Z Databases

There are currently 215 available resources on Archer Library's A to Z Databases list. Entries are listed in alphabetical order.

It is possible to manage the list using one of the three drop down menus located at the top of the page. Choose to limit results by  Subject, Database type, and Vendor / Provider, or use the search box.


A to Z Database List eBooks screen shot  

Database Types

If looking for a specific information or resource type (e.g., database or OA), there are seven categories.

One category is eBook Collections. To view this collection, select it from the drop down menu. We currently have 28 eBook Collections available to use.

Click the clear filters / Browse All Databases button to return to the unfiltered listing.

Database Articles in Blackboard

Yes! It is possible to share articles found in Archer Library databases in Blackboard Learn courses. To do so, you need a permalink, or persistent link to the item accompanied by AU's proxy URL.  It is simpler than it sounds. In most cases, the database will do the work for you. Below are three examples for locating permalinks. Note that you can click on the image to enlarge for viewing.


Permalink an EBSCO search  

Search Results: EBSCO

Interested in sharing search results with your students? EBSCO databases provide easy access to a permalink that will direct users to a search. They will be able to see terms selected and further limit and manage the search. 

How? Select share, located next to page options, and copy the permalink - as is - to your course.  Click here to see the example search.

Permalink an article in Ebsco  

Article Permalink: EBSCO

Interested in sharing a specific article with your students?  Locate the article, then select permalink from the tools menu.

The permalink will display above the article title. Copy and paste the article link into your course. Click here to view the article. 

AU's proxy URL is included with EBSCO database permalinks. Authentication (username + password) is needed for off-campus access.

OhioLINK permalink  

Article Permalink: OhioLINK

Interested in an EJC article? It is possible to link directly to resources in EJC; permalinks are provided with articles. However, AU's proxy URL is not automatically added to OL resources.

What is the proxy? It is a link that let's OL know your student has rights to view the database article. Add AU's proxy to the front of the permalink


Click here to view the article in EJC.

eBooks in Blackboard

Yes! It is possible to share eBooks, even specific chapters in most cases, found in Archer Library eBook Collections and databases in Blackboard Learn courses. As with articles, you need a permalink, or persistent link to the book or chapter accompanied by AU's proxy URL.  In most cases, the database will do the work for you.

Below are three examples for locating eBook permalinks. Note that you can click on the image to enlarge for viewing.


Selecting an eBook? Be sure to check Concurrent User Level - Unlimited user access is best.


EBSCO eBook Academic Collection  

eBook Academic Collection

A search for OA returned the following title:  The Future of Scholarly Publishing: Open Access and the Economics of Digitization.  It is possible to link to the title by selecting the permalink, then copy and paste. 

For a chapter, navigate to a chapter, in this example chapter 2, section 2.1, on page 140, and select permalink from the top menu.

➤ View chapter 2, section 2.1, p. 140


Cambridge Core Ebook  

Cambridge Core

A search for OA, limited to content AU has access to and books, returned:  International Copyright & Access to Knowledge.  It is possible to link to the title by copying the DOI and adding AU's proxy to the URL. 

If interested in a specific chapter, choose it from the list and copy the DOI, then add the proxy. Format options to view are provided.

➤ View chapter 4, part one, p. 53-79




A search for OA, limited to content books published no earlier than 2015 returned: Copyright Versus Open Access. It is possible to link to the title. Select the share button, copy the URL, and add AU's proxy. 

If interested in a specific chapter, choose one  from the list and use the share button for the link and add AU's proxy to the front of the URL.

➤ View chapter 3, section 3.1, p. 53.


Copyright & Database Resources

This section focuses on locating and linking resources in your course.  Why? Because it is permissible to add database resources, such as journal articles and ebooks, in this manner. Students are directed to access the item for individual use. Each student may choose to print, download, or save the resource - again - for individual use. 

Professors should NOT download an item then subsequently upload it into their course. Publishers provide this information on the final page of articles.  Below are two examples of this statement:

"Content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission."



Database copyright notices



Copyright & Collection eBooks


OhioLINK EBC & Cambridge Core have similar policies. Books contain license statements indicating they are provided by the platform for specific use and fall under copyright protection. 

OhioLINK EBC accessible use statement covers permitted and prohibited use of their content. "Among the prohibited use is the statement that "you may not reproduce, or distribute any Anthology or any content from Anthology" (OhioLINK Legal, 2021).

Cambridge Core includes materials with different usage permission. Take time to review their legal notice prior to use, even for Open Access and Creative Commons resources. They also specify that users may not "otherwise download, store, reproduce, transmit, display, print, copy, distribute, extract, exploit or use the content" (Cambridge Core, 2021), or "make available any content in any other form or medium" (Cambridge Core, 2021) without written consent.

What is DOI?

DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a unique string of letters and numbers assigned to an article, document, or other resource (the object). The DOI link, often provided with citations, is a "default URL value which is provided from a DOI name" (DOI Handbook, 2016, Glossary). The DOI "provides an actionable, interoperable, persistent link" (DOI Factsheet, 2021), it is often used when citing database articles. Publishers register articles with a DOI Registration Agency resulting in a DOI name and URL being assigned.

DOI or Database Permalink?

Good question; the answer depends on usage purpose. When adding a library database article link to your course, use the permalink generated by the database. It includes proxy information that permits your student to access the resource on or off campus (authentication required). Students citing a database article should use the DOI provided. 

Can I use the DOI in my course? The DOI will most often take users to the publisher's website (they are the DOI requestor) and their copy of the article. There is no guarantee of full-text access from the publisher site; students may be prompted to pay for a download. So, yes, you can use the DOI URL in your course. But, you can not be sure free or full-text access is available.

Rule of Thumb: When adding library database articles in your course, use the database permalink.

Locating the DOI

DOI's are often found with a journal articles identifying information, such as ISSN or accession numbers. When using library databases, there are two quick ways to locate an article DOI: (1) the articles detailed record, and (2) the citation record generated by the database.

A closer look at the article Implementing Open Educational Resources in Digital Education, illustrates the two places a DOI is provided within EBSCO's Academic Search Complete.


(1) Article Record
(2) Article Citation
DOI in article record   DOI in article citation

Additional Resources

Interested in learning more about Digital Object Identifiers? Here are a few resources:

What is a proxy URL?

It is a link that let's Archer library databases know your student has rights to view the resource selected. It provides secure, authenticated access to proprietary database content.   

When working off campus, students will see the library's login screen and be prompted to enter their AU username and password, similar to when using Blackboard or their AU email. If on campus, access will be seamless.

If students experience problems with off-campus database authentication, they should contact the library for help. We are often able to trouble-shoot access issues.

Do I add proxy to all links?

No. If you are using any of the EBSCOhost databases, their permalink option automatically provides the correct access URL with the proxy included. Most often, OhioLINK resources will require use of the proxy.

How do I know if I need the proxy?

Review the URL copied from the database (article or ebook) prior to publishing it in Blackboard. If the the link begins with, all should be well.

How do I add the proxy?

Adding the proxy is easy! Simply place the URL directly in front of your link. Let's look at the article, Library Web Proxy Use Survey Results, by Peter Murray.

Without proxy: On campus use only


With proxy: On and off-campus 


Without the proxy, users can only view while on campus.  However, the second link will work for off-campus users once they have authenticated.



Feel free to contact a librarian for help configuring a link to database resources. 



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