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Criminal Justice Resources: Journals, Articles, & Databases

This guide was created to help off-campus students learn to do research on criminal justice and access high quality resources such as journal articles, books, e-books, and digital film.

Select E-Journals

These are just a few examples of the criminal justice journals available electronically through our databases. The most efficient way to find an article is to search a database, rather than browsing through a journal. 


Searching Article Databases

Databases are the most efficient way to find quality articles. It's important to use the most useful database for your particular topic.

Full Database List

Many of the article citations include a link to full text of the article, in either PDF or HTML format. If there is no full text link for an article, click on    Full Text Finder  to discover if the article is available in full text in another of our databases.  If there is no  or full text link, use the Interlibrary Loan Request Form to request the article.

  Interlibrary Loan Articles

We offer interlibrary loan for articles that are not available through our databases or from our print collection of journals. 

Interlibrary loan articles will be sent to you via email.

Off-Campus Login

When you click on links for databases, digital media, or electronic books, you will be prompted to log in.  Your access should last for at least 2 hours and you should be able to move to other databases without logging in again.  If you prefer, you may CLICK HERE to log in now.

(In the event, the above link doesn't work, you may want to try OhioLINK Log-in.)

EBSCO database tutorial

EBSCOhost is the provider of many of our databases (Criminal Justice Abstracts, Academic Search Complete, Legal Collection, APA PsycINFO, SocINDEX, etc.).  Even though the content of each database is different, they share a common interface and can be searched the same way.

CQ Researcher

Congressional Quarterly (CQ) Researcher provides full-text access to reports on controversial & emerging public policy issues. Not peer-reviewed articles, but useful for helping you frame a research question, develop a list of keywords and understand the main issues. Each report provides an introductory overview; background, chronology, current situation; stats, & maps.  Make sure you check the dates--some reports are a bit outdated.

Just a few of the relevant CQ Researcher reports:

Examining Forensics (2009)

Prison Reform (2007)

Sentencing Debates (2004)

Kids in Prison (2001)

Police Misconduct (2012)

Prisoner Reentry (2009)

Race and Politics (2008)

Multi-Disciplinary Databases

These databases include articles in history, education, and many other disciplines.

Criminal Justice Databases

Law Databases

Psych and Sociology Databases



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