There are 4 main ways you can locate and access books.
Don't forget, if you live in Ohio (or close to the borders), you can request books from OhioLINK and indicate that you would like to have it delivered to any of the 90 OhioLINK libraries.
The Ohio Library and Information Network, OhioLINK, is a consortium of 90 Ohio college and university libraries, plus the State Library of Ohio, that work together to provide Ohio students, faculty and researchers with the information they need for learning, teaching and research. Serving more than 600,000 students, faculty, and staff, OhioLINK’s membership includes 16 public/research universities, 23 community/technical colleges, 52 independent colleges and the State Library of Ohio.
Go to the OhioLINK Catalog or use this short cut
Go to the Ashland University Library Catalog or use this short cut
Go to the WorldCat Catalog
Includes books and other media in US libraries. Used only for locating, not requests. Enter your zipcode to find availability in a library near you.
Some general search tips for databases, book catalogs and search engines such as Google:
Keyword Search
Uses natural language. Type a word or or simple phrase. The catalog or database looks for the words in the title, author name, subject headings and table of contents (when available). With a keyword search you can use the search tips above, using AND, OR, and an * A useful search strategy is to do a keyword seearch and once you find a good book (or article), look at the Subject Headings assigned to that item.
Subject Search
Library catalogs use specific Library of Congress Subject Headings to classify books. When you search, the words have to be typed in the exact order used by Library of Congress.
Article databases also use a controlled vocabulary similar to Library of Congress, but different databases may use different subject terms.