Journals & Databases |
Journal Terms |
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) |
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Journals presented here are currently available in Archer Library databases. They are a starting place for your research. Be sure to evaluate individual articles on their own merit prior to use. | The last tab, Journal Terms, details terms used by publishers to indicate availability of full text. Database range will indicate if there is any expected delay or embargo. |
If full text is not available in our databases, submit an ILL article request. AU Login is required when submitting an interlibrary loan request. |
Journal Title | Publisher / Database Description | Range | Database |
Journal of Adult Development | Covers all aspects of development in adults across the lifespan using a broad range of developmental perspectives. | 1/1/98 to present, 12 mo. delay | Academic Search Complete |
Adult Education Quarterly | Articles and book reviews about the research and theory in adult continuing education. | 9/1/91 to present | Academic Search Complete |
Journal of Transformative Education | Presents peer-reviewed articles focused on advancing the understanding, practice, and experience of transformative education (adult education). | 1/1/03 to present | OhioLINK EJC |
Adult Basic Education & Literacy Journal | This journal is "focused on innovative ideas and practitioner experience that supports the field of adult education." |
3/7/97 to 9/1/11 |
Academic Search Complete |
Journal of Research & Practice for Adult Literacy, Secondary & Basic Education |
This journal is "focused on innovative ideas and practitioner experience that supports the field of adult education. COABE Journal is organized around themes and published twice a year. (Previously Adult Basic Education & Literacy Journal) |
3/1/12 to present | Academic Search Complete |
Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal | Provides a forum for conversations intended to foster the improvement of adult teaching and learning. | 7/1/10 to present | Education Research Complete |
Journal Title | Publisher / Database Description | Range | Database |
International Journal of Training & Development | This multidisciplinary, international and comparative journal provides research, analysis and debate on the effective use of human resources and the growth of training and development in employees. | 3/1/97 to present | OhioLINK EJC |
New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development | Promotes all aspects of practice & research that explore issues of individual, group, & organizational learning, wherever they may be located & focuses on current research & ideas in adult education, human resource development, & related fields. | 1/1/09 to present (1 year delay) | Education Research Complete |
Workplace Learning & Skills Bulletin | Covers topics in workplace learning, adult education, education and private training. | 3/1/11 to present | Education Research Complete |
Education + Training | Focuses on the relationship between what is taught in schools, colleges and universities and how what is learnt there prepares the individual for the training received in industry and for a career involving lifelong learning. | 1/1/94 to 5/6/14 |
OhioLINK EJC See access from publisher site. |
Training Journal | A resource for training, human resources, and learning & development professionals (trade publication) | 5/1/08 - present |
See journal web site. |
Journal of Workplace Learning | Contains research and productivity information regarding employees in the workplace. | 1/1/97 - 2/4/14 |
See publisher web site. |
Career & Technical Education Research | Publishes articles dealing with research and research topics in vocational education. | 2005 to present | Education Research Complete |
Journal Title | Publisher / Database Description | Range | Database |
New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education | A series of thematic journals exploring issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors and policy makers in a broad range of adult and continuing education settings. | 3/01/97 - present (Full Text Delay: 12 mo) | Academic Search Complete |
Adult Learning | Articles of interest pertaining to adult and continuing education for both educators and learners. | 9/1/89 to present | OhioLINK EJC |
Studies in Continuing Education | Covers all aspects of continuing professional & lifelong learning. | 5/1/99 to present (Full text delay: 18 mos.) | Academic Search Complete |
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning | Reports on the latest developments in distance & continuing education (adult education). | 1/1/99 to present (18 month delay) | Academic Search Complete |
Journal of Career Assessment | JCA provides methodologically sound, empirically based studies focusing on assessment, career development, and vocational psychology. |
1/93 - 9/98 |
Journal Title | Publisher / Database Description | Range | Database |
Evaluation and Program Planning | "The primary goals of the journal are to assist evaluators and planners to improve the practice of their professions, to develop their skills and to improve their knowledge base." | 1/1/78 - present | OhioLINK EJC |
American Journal of Evaluation | AJE explores decisions and challenges related to conceptualizing, designing and conducting evaluations. | 3/1/98 - present | OhioLINK EJC |
Journal of Planning and Education Research | The journal covers planning theory, planning practice, and planning pedagogy, as well as disciplines drawn upon by planners such as urban geography, welfare economics, interest-group politics, and policy analysis. | 7/1/81 - present | OhioLINK EJC |
Practical Assessment, Research, & Evaluation | Journal purpose is to provide access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice. | 1/1/88 - present | Ebsco Open Access Journals |
Journals presented in this guide were recommended by course instructors for research. Journals, and journal topics, are presented in three categories: Adult Education, Training & Workplace, and Continuing Education.
There are several current journal on this page with publisher embargo's of six to eighteen months. The publisher has placed restrictions on availability of the electronic text; paper is available upon publication, but electronic access is limited. If a journal has a one year embargo, it will be available after the embargo period has expired. In some cases, a rolling embargo is in place and the material is available continuously. In other instances there is a fixed time period when the next year becomes available.
Yes! You may request the item using the ILL Article Form. Remember, login is required to view ILL request form.
If "paper only" is noted, the journal is not available via our database collection, but it is part of the library's journal collection and available in hard copy.
Citations and abstracts are available, the range for abstracts often encompasses a wider volume / issue range than full text.