This group's focus is the Archer Library & IRC websites.
Getting Started •
Share the steps your group took to locate Archer Library website and the Instructional Resource Center website. Explore both resources; share something interesting or unique about each.
Scavenger Hunt Tasks •
1. What are Archer library's Sunday hours?
2. Where is the Instructional Resource Center? What can you do there?
3. Locate Archer Library's News & Information Blog and share a post. How did you find it?
4. Is it possible to reserve a library study room? How?
5. Identify two ways you can contact a librarian for help.
This group's focus is library databases & library guides.
Getting Started •
Share the steps your group took to locate Archer Library's A -Z Database Listing and Library Guides. Explore both resources; share something interesting or unique about each.
Scavenger Hunt Tasks •
1. How many databases are available to use? How many library guides are available to use?
2. Are new database options easily identified? How?
3. Locate and identify a database specific to your area of study. What helped you make this selection?
4. Select a library guide from the list that is of interest to you. Which guide did you pick and why?
5. What other resources are available on the library guide home page?
This group’s focus is the the library collections & circulation.
Getting Started •
Share the steps your group took to locate the Library Catalog and Circulation & Reserve FAQs page. Explore both resources; share something interesting or unique about each.
Scavenger Hunt Tasks •
1. Which resource is used to locate books in Archer Library?
2. Locate a book in the library catalog. Share the call number and location of the item.
3. Where do you check out Archer Library items?
4. What is OhioLINK? How is is used with physical collection items?
5. Where are OhioLINK requests delivered? Is there more than one option?
This online scavenger hunt will provide you with opportunity to explore Archer Library resources and learn about what is available to you as an AU student. Students are encouraged to use their own laptops or mobile devices for this session.
Three topics have been identified for this activity: (1) Archer Library Online, (2) Research Resources, and (3) Library Collections.
Participants will be divided into three groups; the number of students in each group depends on class size.
Each group will be assigned a topic with the responsibility of answering three general questions and five topic specific questions.
When time is up, each group will share their results with the class.
Once the activity is complete, a review and demonstration featuring use of the resources will be conducted. There will be time for questions. Students will be asked to complete an exit ticket at the conclusion of the session.
Time permitting, OneSearch (research starter) or Academic Search Complete will be introduced after the activity is complete. Students will have an opportunity to explore the resources during the introduction. A full database orientation is recommended to support this session.