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Course Content • Can I Use This?: Welcome

Archer Library resources & information for online course content development
course content can I use this header with photos


Welcome! Course Content, Can I Use this? is a starting point for identifying resources to support teaching and learning for online courses. Here you will find information about Archer Library's online collections, including databases, eBooks, and how to provide access to selected items.

Explore this site using the tabs at the top of the page; work from left to right, or choose a topic that is of interest to you. When viewing databases, eBook collections, eBooks, journals, and articles from off-campus, authentication is required. Login using your AU credentials (username & password) for access.

OER & Open Access

Open Education Resources (OER), including textbooks and media, and Open Access (OA) journals, literature, and directories, provide a starting point for locating items that are free to use, in the public domain, and have minimal (if any) copyright restrictions.

Copyright Resources

Copyright for online courses introduces guidelines and options for sharing materials with students. It is a starting point for copyright information, resources, and fair use practices. As such, it should not be used as a replacement for legal advice regarding your copyright questions or concerns.

Questions? We Can Help

During scheduled library hours of operation, use Ask a Librarian chat on this page for general information inquiries.  Questions may be submitted to chat after hours and will be answered the following business. 

Contact information for Archer Library Departments, faculty, and staff is available on our Library Faculty & Staff page.  Email us at and a librarian will answer or direct your question as needed. You may also email me directly at

When working with online collections (e.g., articles & eBooks) we recommend scheduling an appointment with a librarian. Use this link the or button below; we look forward to working with you.

schedule an appointment


Diane Schrecker, MLIS, M.Ed.

Curriculum & Instruction Librarian
Head of the IRC
☏ 419.207.6406

Instructional Resource Center
Archer Library at Ashland University
509 College Avenue
Ashland, OH 44805

☏ 419.289.5406

Archer Library Hours

IRC Hours



Archer Library • Ashland University © Copyright 2023. An Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution.