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SOC 340 • Marriage & Family Relationship : Library Databases • Sociology

Information & resources for Dr. Piscitello's Soc 340 course.

Select Databases

Research Starters

Exploring a topic? Start with OneSearch or one of these databases.

Sociology & General Databases

These databases are best bets for sociology and general academic research.

Psychology & Social Sciences

These databases focus on psychology and social sciences.


Open Access Resources

These databases are open access resources for sociology.

Marriage & Family Issues • Research

AI generated diversity image

Library Session • Research Topics

This list includes select marriage and family social issues; several were researched during library instruction. Use the link to further explore the topic and its featured database.




Child Care



Family Planning

Family Values

Foster Children

Gender Discrimination

Gender Roles

Generation Gap

Multigenerational Families


Stress Management

Work & Family

Work and Careers

Library Databases

Archer Library & OhioLINK Databases

This page features a selection of database recommendations for sociology research. Use the drop-down menu to explore Archer Library's complete A to Z Database List.

Working Off-Campus?

You will be asked to authenticate to use databases off campus. Follow the on-screen directions and use your AU credentials to login.

Journal Finder

Are you looking for a particular journal?  Use the Journal Finder to locate journals by title or topic.



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