OneSearch is useful as a starting point for research, it will locate books in the library catalog, articles from select databases, such as Academic Search Complete and Sociological Collection, Music CDs, IRC items, Government documents, and eBooks. Visit the OneSearch Library Guide to learn more.
An initial search for sociology returns 2 million+ items including journals, books, eBooks, periodicals, and videos. It is possible to refine results by selecting limits for date, journal type, and source type. When limiters are selected, the total number of results will decrease. Working from off campus? You will have to login with your AU username and password to view OneSearch results.
Archer Library and OhioLINK provide access to 23 eBook collections; explore the full list on the library's A to Z Database list. eBooks are accessible from the library catalog and OneSearch; in both instances, it is possible to limit search results to eBook content
Interested in eBooks? These collections are a great place to start your search.
With over 1.6 million journal articles and 36,000+ books, Cambridge Core is the central destination for academic research. Journal and eBook content is provided in Cambridge Core. Browse by subject and limit search to content available to Ashland University users.
This multidisciplinary collection includes more than 249,400 e-books and covers a large selection of academic subjects including business & economics, education, political science, religion, literary criticism, medical, social sciences, philosophy, technology & engineering, and world history.
Collection of eBooks with an imprint earlier than 2005 on many academic subjects. Includes fully searchable full-text online books purchased by OhioLINK and available via public-domain.
This psychology/psychiatry collection includes over 790 popular eBooks in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, counseling and more. Subjects include Clinical psychology, Cognitive psychology and cognition, Counseling, Developmental psychology, Neuropsychology, Psychopathology, Psychotherapy, and Social psychology.
Collection of full-text encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for research in several subject areas including biography, business, education, history, literature, medicine, and social sciences.
JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Collections include peer-reviewed scholarly journals, literary journals, book chapters, research reports, and primary sources.
The OhioLINK Electronic Book Center (EBC) contains more than 125,000 e-book titles, covering numerous subjects, and includes scholarly monographs, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works.
O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform for Higher Education provides access to thousands eBooks, videos, expert-curated courses, and interactive learning environments for business, technology, and more. Users will need to enter their Ashland email address to access the site and view content.
Archer library catalog presents information about available collections. Users will find items such as books, ebooks, government documents, and journals, organized by subject. It provides information needed, call numbers and internet links, to locate items physically (on the shelf) or access it online.
This list features a selection of sociology subject headings. Links direct you to the library catalog.