A-Z Databases and Library Guide review.
Archer Library's website is two steps from Ashland University's home page. Navigate to the main menu and select the arrow next to Academics; click on Library.
Today's session will focus on two library research resources:
1. Databases • A-Z Database Page
2. Library Guides • ENG 100 English Composition [McWhorter]
A-Z Databases
The A-Z Database page provides a complete alphabetical listing of databases available. Options to manage the page include sorting by Subject, Database Type, Vendor, and Searching by database name or keyword. Popular and New/Trial Databases are featured in the right column. Databases are available to users on and off campus; login, AU ID and password, is required for off campus use
Library Guides
Archer Library Guides are designed by instruction and subject librarians to provide a starting point for locating library resources. Course specific library guides, such as this one for ENG 100, include library instruction sessions and items selected specifically for course assignments.
Working with Gale's Opposing Viewpoints databases.
Opposing Viewpoints is a cross-curricular database covering social issues and current events. It balanced views, information, and resources for users to "explore all sides of an issue" (Gale, 2022), allowing and draw their own conclusions. Information and resource formats include research articles, periodicals, newspapers, commentary, videos, and audio.
There are three 3 key areas on the Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints home page: (1) Basic and advanced search, (2) Issues of Interest, and (3) browsing available issues.
Image: Screen grab of Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints Databases
Returning to our topic of Bigfoot (it should be one word)
We will use Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints to locate information about our topic. Search process and strategies will include:
Developing search strategies with concept maps.
A concept map is a visual representation of information. It is a diagram that suggests connections between topics and subtopics or concepts and ideas. Developing and using a concept map during research will help to strategically plan your research by identifying potential keywords and search topics.
There are different types of concept maps such as flow-charts, Venn diagrams, and hierarchy maps. The topic finder in Opposing Viewpoints provided visualization of words and subjects found in search results, presenting them in a tile and wheel format. We will be using a spider, or semantic, concept map branch out from a main idea.
The Bigfoot concept map on this page is an example of a simple spider map visualizing connections between our search results for Bigfoot.
Work in pairs exploring and mapping a research topic.
Image: Blank concept map for research activity
Developing a basic spider concept map for research.
Navigate to the A -Z Database List, or use the database tab on this guide, and select the Gale in Context Opposing Viewpoints. With a partner, browse both the featured issues and full issues list and select a category to find information about a topic of interest.
Answer the following questions about your topic.
1. Select a Topic
2. Identify Overview Key Points
3. Review the Critical Thinking Questions
Determine a viewpoint (argument) to research on your selected issue. Consider the following questions while gathering resources and information:
Making research connections.
Getting Started: Use the blank concept map to plot your research plan.
These resources are provided during the session.
Welcome to the Bernice Faber Baker Active Learning Lab, Archer Library's instruction classroom, located on the library main floor.
During today's session, students are encouraged to use their own laptops or mobile devices for designated activities. Library iPads are available as needed.
Library instruction will focus on: (1) course library guide and A - Z Database list review, (2) conducting and managing a topic search in Gale in Context, and (3) developing a concept map to organize search results.
This session will include think/pair/share group work, experiential learning, and direct instruction.
1. Resource Review: 5 Minutes
2. Opposing Viewpoints Intro: 15 minutes
3. Topic Concept Mapping: 10 minutes
Topic Concept Maps: Estimated 10 Minutes
Final Qs & Discussion: Estimated 5 Minutes
Final Reflection • Exit Tickets
This session supports ACRL Framework for Information Literacy frames: Searching as Strategic Exploration, Research as Inquiry, and Information has value.
Knowledge and disposition statements are identified in the Standards & References tab of this library guide.