Research databases are an organized collection of resources, such as scholarly journals, periodicals, peer-reviewed articles, newspapers, eBooks, or media, available to users online. They are a powerful tool providing students the ability to craft, modify, and limit search results to find credible information.
Archer Library, a member of OhioLINK, provides students with access to database collections from vendors such as EBSCO and Gale. Databases are restricted to select users; off campus use requires login with AU credentials.
Research starters are short summaries and authoritative overviews of popular research and discipline-specific topics. Information provided in a research starter may be an entry from an encyclopedia, credible resources curated by database editors, and reference databases. They are a starting point for more in-depth research on a topic and often help students determine if the topic selected is appropriate.
Research starters often provide an abstract/overview and contain links to relevant journal and newspaper articles, images, videos, and audio clips. Citations for reference are provided with research results.
Image 1: OneSearch Research Starter • Click to view full sized.
Image 2: Opposing Viewpoints Issue • Click to view full sized.
Image 3: Points of View Reference Overview • Click to view full sized.
Provides contextual and authoritative articles, research reports, videos, statistics, and opinion on hundreds of current social issues. This cross-curricular resource supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Informed, differing views help learners develop critical-thinking skills and draw their own conclusions.
Points of View Reference Source covers hundreds of topics, each with an Overview (objective background/description), Point (argument) and Counterpoint (opposing argument).
OneSearch is a comprehensive search tool providing access to the library catalog and databases using a single search box. It is 'one-stop-shopping,' so to speak, allowing users to identify a wide variety of resources - books, e-books, and articles.
➤ OneSearch can save time and lead you to resources that may otherwise be overlooked. It is useful for locating information to start the research process, whether from a book or journal article.
➤ OneSearch can be overwhelming due to the sheer volume of items returned with a single search. Take time to focus search results using filters provided.