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English Composition: Writing Resources

General library resources and information for English Composition courses.

plagiarism, n.

The action or practice of taking someone else's work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one's own; literary theft.


"Plagiarism." The Oxford English Dictionary. 2023. OED Online. Accessed 27 September 2023.


Combating Plagiarism • Resources

Purdue OWL website screen grab in monitor

Purdue OWL • Online Writing Lab at Purdue University

"The online writing lab offers global support through online reference materials and services for creating citations, cover letters, major-specific writing help, and general writing advice."

Library Main Floor

AU Writing and communication center screen grab

WCC • Writing & Communications Center

"The Writing and Communication Center (WCC) is a free support service available to ALL AU students– on-campus, online, undergraduate and graduate."

Academic Integrity • AU Course Catalog 2023-24

"As members of Ashland University, students hold themselves to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity (Ashland University Campus Creed). In keeping with the Ashland University commitment to the highest standards of academic, personal and social integrity, students are expected to abide by the academic integrity standards outlined in this policy." - Excerpt from the Academic Integrity Introduction



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