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ENG 102 • English Composition [Wrobel]: Open Access Resources

Library resources and information supporting Dr. Wrobel's ENG 102 class.

What is Open Access?

open access logo


"At it’s most fundamental Open Access is when publications are freely available online to all at no cost and with limited restrictions with regards reuse" (Springer, 2023).

"Open access is a publishing model for scholarly communication that makes research information available to readers at no cost, as opposed to the traditional subscription model in which readers have access to scholarly information by paying a subscription (usually via libraries)" (Open Access, n.d.).

Open Access

What does OA mean to me?

Your assignment, a synthesis essay;featuring;The Back Room requires scholarly and peer reviewed resources. If researching online, open access journals may be part of your search results. Tt is useful to know how to identify an online academic journal that is not part of a database.

Archer Library's A to Z List includes open access resources, such as DOAJ.

Assignment Research

OA Resources / Databases

Other publishers offer open access databases and journals as well.

OA Search Engines & Repositories

Resources for academic journals and papers. Not all content is OA, take time to review the open/closed lock icons to verify what is freely available.



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