Online training provided free by EndNote staff
Want to add items from Google Scholar to your EndNote library?
Change one setting and "Import into EndNote" will be added to each item in Google Scholar. Visit Scholar Preferences and in the Bibliography Manager section select "Show links to export citations into" and choose EndNote from the drop-down menu. Click "Save Preferences" and you're done. Next time you search on Google Scholar, you'll see EndNote as an option.
To export records from Web of Science, simply click the EndNote button. Some Macs will save the exported file instead of opening it directly into EndNote. If your Web of Science export results in a saved .ciw file, simply go to EndNote, click File->Import, select the .ciw file and choose "ISI-CE" as the Import Option.
If you want to export directly from PubMed:
To export from CINAHL, MedLine and other EBSCO databases, Click Save, and select Direct Export to EndNote.
Check the list below to determine how to export from other providers.
EndNote Web comes with two tools to let you save web references to your library. A bookmarklet and a firefox plugin are both available
Both can be configured to save to either EndNote Online or EndNote, but please note, if you use the bookmarklet to save to EndNote the bookmarklet will show you are saving a reference of type "Web Page" but when it is imported into EndNote it may show up as a "Journal Article" instead. You'll need to change the reference type. This problem doesn't happen if you save to EndNote Online.
There is also an Endnote client for iPad (which is not included in license). The app is currently $3.99.
Tutorials created at other institutions.
If your EndNote tools go missing in Word, follow these instructions to get them back.
For EndNote X7 and Word for Windows:
The simplest way to get the tools to appear in Word 2010 is to run the "Repair" function by selecting EndNote X67in the "Programs and Features" in the Windows Control Panel. Choose "Change" then select "Repair". Click Next on each of these screens until the process finishes. Quit and restart all Office applications and check for the tools in Word
Please search the EndNote FAQ for further instructions.