If you're looking for books, DVDs, CDs, and/or other physical items to check out and take home, you can search for them in:
You should look first in AU Library catalog. Then, if our library doesn't own what you're looking for, continue searching the OhioLINK online catalog.
The Bible (general)
Old Testament
New Testament
The following bulleted list leads to a page with exact Library of Congress subject headings. Some are very specific while others are more general.
Knowing the exact subject heading can be very helpful because it aids you in finding those resources that are most closely connected to your research topic. It also means that when you get into AU Library's online catalog or the OhioLINK online catalog you can use the SUBJECT HEADING search option--in other words, you'll be searching the subject headings in catalog records rather than using the more general KEYWORD search option.
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See exact subject headings relating to:
The AU Library's online catalog includes records for materials in the Ashland Theological Seminary (ATS) Library. The ATS Library is located at 910 Center Street (only a few blocks east of the AU main campus). AU students are welcome to use the ATS Library and check out materials from its collection.
Click on the file below to see directions from the AU main campus to the ATS campus plus a map of the latter.