This unique collection covers a broad range of religious subjects including philosophy, ethics, history of religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and religious texts. Content in the collection help readers explore religious beliefs, faith, cultural systems and world views.
Collection features more than 4,100 titles from over 150 trusted publishers.
With over 1.6 million journal articles and 36,000+ books, Cambridge Core is the central destination for academic research. Journal and eBook content is provided in Cambridge Core. Browse by subject and limit search to content available to Ashland University users.
A collection of more than 500 electronic books from academic publishers, purchased by OhioLINK and formerly available on the ebrary platform.
Each work is available to a limited number of simultaneous users statewide. (ProQuest)
Collection of eBooks with an imprint earlier than 2005 on many academic subjects. Includes fully searchable full-text online books purchased by OhioLINK and available via public-domain.
Users can preview an e-book online, peruse a page, read each page in depth, jump to specific chapters or pages, or use links in the Table of Content or Index to go directly to specific chapters of interest. Every word in every book is searchable. This collection operates on the library check-out model, where readers check out e-books for a specified amount of time.
The OhioLINK Electronic Book Center (EBC) contains more than 125,000 e-book titles, covering numerous subjects, and includes scholarly monographs, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works.
Most eBooks are permanently owned by OhioLINK. Content is funded through a combination of member library contributions and OhioLINK central funds.
A collection of important scholarly eBooks from Oxford University Press. Oxford Scholarship Online includes both classic and newly-published works in the humanities and social sciences.
Works purchased by OhioLINK include titles in the subject collections of Economics & Finance, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religion. Accessible content is indicated with an open padlock. (Oxford University Press)