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CMHC: Introduction to Research

A walkthrough of getting started with library research for the CMHC program at ATS.

Browsing Journals

Browsing Journals: Browsing scholarly journals is another way to access and conduct research on a subject. You can use the Journal Finder to search for different journal titles. The CMHC Journal List in the box below is a brief listing of full-text journals available to you. It is a introductory list, and so you will also want to use the Journal Finder to search for additional journals as well.


Click Here to begin searching for journals with the Journal Finder

Counseling Journals

 Journal Title  Journal Description / Publisher  Range  Database
Journal of Counseling and Development The Journal of Counseling and Development publishes articles of interest aimed at counselors, counseling psychologists, and student personnel specialists who work in schools, colleges, community agencies, and government. Published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the American Counseling Association. Full Text access from various databases 1984 - present. Various, listed within hyperlink.
Journal of Counseling Psychology The Journal of Counseling Psychology is a peer-reviewed academic journal that covers research in counseling psychology. Published by the American Psychological Association. Full Text access 1954 - present. OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center.
Journal of Mental Health Counseling The Journal of Mental Health Counseling is devoted to traditional data-based research. It addresses concerns of mental health counselors in private practice, community agencies, business and industry, and rehabilitation who deal with issues such as family counseling and substance abuse. Published by the American Mental Health Counselors Association. Full Text access 1994 - present. Various, listed within hyperlink.
Counseling Psychology Quarterly Counseling Psychology Quarterly provides articles, review articles, and commentary reporting on various aspects of counselling practice, research, and theory. Note: Full Text delay/embargo of 18 months. Published by Taylor & Francis.

Full Text access 1990 - present; 18 month delay/embargo.

Various, listed within hyperlink.
Journal of Mental Health

The Journal of Mental Health contains applicable research, evaluation, service development, commentaries, clinical reports, and policy issues regarding mental health services and issues. It is a forum for all mental health professionals to keep abreast of new ideas and evidence. Note: Full Text delay/embargo of 18 months. Published by Taylor & Francis.

Full Text access 1992 - present; 18 month delay/embargo. Various, listed within hyperlink.


About the "CMHC Journals" Listing

Journals presented in this guide were compiled from a basic search for counseling resources using the Journal Finder. This is only an initial listing, and so students should conduct their own searches in addition to starting out with the resources provided here.


What does embargo mean?

There are journals on this list with publisher embargo's of eighteen months. The publisher has placed restrictions on availability of the electronic text; paper is available upon publication, but electronic access is limited. If a journal has an embargo, it will be available after the embargo period has expired. In some cases, a rolling embargo is in place and the material is available continuously. In other instances there is a fixed time period when the next year becomes available.


Can I get embargoed journal articles via ILL?

Yes! You may request the item using the ILL Article Form. Remember, login is required to view ILL request form.



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