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ENG 428 • American Literature IV: 1945 to Present: Databases • A Closer Look

Library information and resources for Dr. Waterman's ENG 428A

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Quick Tips • 1, 2, 3

literature resource center search screen grab toni morrison

1. Document Type • Literary Criticism

Literary Reference Center Plus provides information on thousands of authors and their works. It includes contemporary and classic full-text poems, short stories, novels, literary journals, reference books, author biographies, and critical essays.

Initial database access defaults to advanced search. One of the search options is Limit your results to Document Type.

Choose Literary Criticism from the list and enter your search term.

➤ Document Type Literary Criticism: Toni Morrison


literature resource center screen grab subject author search

2. Field Options • Subject Author

Use one of the Field Options to target a works analysis by a specific author or topic.

➤ Field Option SA: Toni Morrison

Results returned are works analysis documents (e.g., books, articles) by the author Toni Morrison. 


literature resource center screen grab critical insights

3. Critical Insights • Publication

It is possible to search for criticisms in specific publications.  Choose publications from the database menu (top, left) and browse available resources; date range and format information is provided.

It is also possible to add the publication Critical Insights to your search. Enter your search term then include -and- Critical Insights.

➤ Critical Insights: Toni Morrison

Results include literary criticisms from the publication Critical Insights about the author Toni Morrison.


literary reference center plus masterplot screen grab

4. Bonus! Masterplots • Publication

Another publication of interest may be Masterplots, a reference resource that "analyzes the most important works in all genres—long fiction, short fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction" (MasterPlots, Salem Press). 

➤ Masterplots: Toni Morrison 

Results include summaries from Masterplots and are identified by the database as Work Analysis.



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