Ed.D. Leadership Studies Journal list plus the addition of organizational studies resources.
Journal Title | Publisher / Database Description | Range | Access |
Group & Organization Management |
1992 - Present | OhioLINK EJC |
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies | The purpose of the Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies (JLOS) is to publish research aimed at helping us understand and predict effective leadership – leadership of people, groups, and organizations. JLOS continuously renews and reinvigorates leadership scholarship, practice and policy by promoting forward thinking scholarship. |
2002 -Present | OhioLINK EJC |
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology | The Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology is an international journal publishing research on contemporary industrial, organizational, work, vocational, personnel psychology, ergonomics, human factors, industrial relations and industrial sociology. |
1997 - Present |
Organizational Studies | Organization Studies (OS) publishes top quality theoretical and empirical research with the aim of promoting the understanding of organizations, organizing and the organized in and between societies. OS is a multidisciplinary journal with global reach, rooted in the social sciences, comparative in outlook and open to paradigmatic plurality. |
1980 - Present |
Research in Organizational Behavior | Research in Organizational Behavior publishes commissioned papers only, spanning several levels of analysis, and ranging from studies of individuals to groups to organizations and their environments. |
2000 - Present | OhioLINK EJC |
Strategic Management Journal | The Strategic Management Journal seeks to publish papers that ask and help to answer important and interesting questions in strategic management, develop and/or test theory, replicate prior studies, explore interesting phenomena, review and synthesize existing research, and evaluate the many methodologies used in our field. |
1997 - Present |
Journal Title | Publisher / Database Description | Range | Access |
Academy of Management Learning & Education |
"The Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) examines pressing issues in the fields of management learning and education by presenting theory, models, research, critiques, dialogues and retrospectives that address the learning process and the practice of management education." |
2002 - 2013 | Database |
Academy of Management Learning & Education |
"The Academy of Management Learning & Education (AMLE) examines pressing issues in the fields of management learning and education by presenting theory, models, research, critiques, dialogues and retrospectives that address the learning process and the practice of management education." |
2002 - present | Database |
Comparative Education Review |
"Comparative Education Review investigates education throughout the world and the social, economic, and political forces that shape it." |
1957 - 2016 | Database |
Comparative Education Review | "Comparative Education Review investigates education throughout the world and the social, economic, and political forces that shape it." |
1993 - present 12 mo embargo |
Database |
Education Next | "Covers topics in education policy research." |
2005 - 2012 | Database |
Educational Management Administration & Leadership | "Educational Management Administration & Leadership (EMAL) is a peer reviewed journal that publishes original contributions on educational management, administration and leadership in the widest sense. " |
2004 - present | Database |
International Studies in Educational Administration |
"Aims to enhance the effectiveness of educational leadership, management & administration to support intellectual, personal & social learning in schools, and related educational, social & economic development in a range of national contexts." |
2001 - present | Database |
Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership |
1998 - present | Database |
Journal of School Leadership | "Articles examining educational administration in its broadest sense, application of theory in educational administration, staff development programs, utilization of educational administration concepts, practical applications of concepts." |
2009 - present | Database |
Leadership & Policy in Schools | "Presents information for school administrators about educational leadership and educational policy." |
Database |
Journal Title | Publisher / Database Description | Range | Access |
Leadership Quarterly |
3/1/90 - present |
Database |
Journal of Organizational Behavior | "Research, theory and review in industrial / organizational psychology and organizational behavior fields including motivation, work performance, job design, occupational stress, personnel selection, organizational structure and managerial behavior." |
1995 - present |
Database |
Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies | "Deals with all aspects of leadership & organizations. A forum for the expression of theory, research & practice, with special emphasis given to emerging, ideas, issues, trends & innovations." |
2002 - present | Database |
Leadership & Organization Development | "Original articles and shorter notes on current leadership issues, leadership crises, leadership success and new theoretical developments in leadership for all those involved in organization change." |
1994 - 2014 | Database |
Leadership | "Leadership is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research on leadership. Leadership is designed to provide an ongoing forum for academic researchers to exchange information, insights and knowledge on both theoretical development and empirical research on leadership." |
2005-present | Database |
Strategy & Leadership | "Articles, special reports, case studies and thematic issues on all aspects of strategic management and planning aimed at board directors, CEOs, line and staff executives, academics and consulting firms." |
2000 - 2014 | Database |
Higher Education | "Authoritative overview articles, comparative studies and analysis of specific problems affecting universities, technical colleges, polytechnics, adult education institutes, specialist institutions and research institutes worldwide." |
1972 - present | Database |
Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education | The journal publishes interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary theoretical and empirically-based research articles, and book reviews related to all aspects of teaching and learning in K-12 and Higher Education. |
2012 - present 1 year embargo |
Database |
Journal Recommendations
Scholarly and Practitioner Journals presented in this guide were recommended by COE Ed.D. faculty for research. The Journals of Interest tab presents additional resources that may be of interest in the field of education.
What does embargo mean?
There are several current journal on this page with publisher embargo's of six to eighteen months. This means the publisher has placed restrictions on availability of the electronic text. While paper is available upon publication, electronic access is limited. If a journal has a one year embargo, it will be available after the embargo period has expired. In some cases, a rolling embargo is in place and the material is available continuously. In other instances there is a fixed time period when the next year becomes available.
Can I get embargoed journal articles?
Yes! You may request the item using the ILL Article Request Form. Login using your AU credentials.
What does database only mean?
Items in the Library column with a notation "database" are not available in paper, or hard copy, from the library. You may access these items via the library database collection.
What does paper only mean?
This journal is not available via our database collection, it is part of the journal collection and available in hard copy.
What does citation mean?
Citations and abstracts are available; the range for abstracts often encompasses a wider volume / issue range than full text.
Looking for a particular journal? Use Archer Library's Journal search to locate titles, learn if it is available in a database, or if hard copy is in the stacks.