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Designing Effective Library Instruction: Area 4 • Mobile Whiteboards +

Ashland University Faculty College • Fall 2022

Critical Thinking • IKWYCL 

I know where your cat lives graphic

Getting Started •

It's time to think critically about information. What better way to do that than with cats? Follow the link or scan the QR code with your mobile device and enjoy the I Know Where Your Cat Lives website: review site about information, watch the overview video, and explore data visualization charts and maps.

Consider these questions, then pick three to discuss. Use the classroom whiteboard (in person) or shared document (archived) to brainstorm and share your thoughts:

  • Where does the data come from?
  • How is it possible the pictures are public?
  • What problems do you see with this dataset?
  • Why do you think some images are grayed-out?
  • What personal data are you sharing?
  • Do you feel the data is being exploited?

Area 4 • Session Activity

Treasure hunt map icon

Scavenger Hunt

Explore the I Know Where Your Cat Lives website with your group, then think about the questions posed.

In Person: Use the mobile whiteboards to record your thoughts about information and privacy. 

Online:  Use the shared Google document to brainstorm your group response to the questions.

Open the scavenger hunt form and enter your response when finished.

Area 4 • Overview

Main Whiteboard •

Whiteboard paint to the left and right of the front interactive computer display wall enhances use of the main instruction area. It is a great spot for welcome messages, discussion prompts, and exit ticket assessment/feedback.

Mobile Whteboards • 

The Instructional Resource Center has four mobile whiteboards available to support planned organization of collaborative learning to reinforce skills relevant to group and individual work.



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