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EDEC 323 • Trade Books, Mentor Texts, & Writing Methods: Juvenile Collection • Overview

Information and library resources for EDEC 323 with Professor McDaniel.

Juvenile Collection Overview

Collection Basics

Juvenile fiction falls under the Library of Congress subject heading P, language and literature. Juvenile non-fiction titles subject headings fall within the topic area of it's regular subject heading class from A, general works -  to - Z, bibliography. Generally speaking, if the call number begins with P, it is fiction.

Interested in browsing the collection? Signs are posted in the stacks.

The table featured below is similar to signs posted in the juvenile stacks. Frequently requested topics (subject headings) for language and literature are noted.

Need help locating a book? Stop in the IRC, we can help!


Browsing the Collection


Class P Language & Literature
   Subclass  Description
   PE  English Language
     1155 Alphabet Books
     1591 Juvenile Thesaurus
     1628 Juvenile Dictionaries
   PN  Literature (General)
     6110 Poetry Anthology
     6371 Riddles
     6727 Graphic Novels Categorized for YA Readers
   PR  English Literature
      Individual Authors: Poetry, Prose, Drama
   PS  American Literature
      Individual Authors: Poetry, Prose, Drama
   PZ  Fiction & Juvenile
     PZ 5 Collections
     PZ 6 Early to 1860 / 1870
 PZ 7 General Juvenile Fiction
     PZ7.1 General Juvenile Fiction • 1st work published after 2015
Alphabetical by author last name, then book title
     PZ 7.5 Novels in verse
     PZ 7.7 Graphic Novels Categorized for Young Readers
     PZ 8 Fairy Tales
     PZ 8.1 Folklore, Legends, Romance
     PZ 8.2 Fables
     PZ 8.3 Stories in Rhyme, Nursery Rhymes
     PZ 10.3 Animal Stories
     PZ 23 Languages, French
     PZ 73 Languages, Spanish



About the collection

Children's Books

Archer Library's juvenile collection, children's books, is located on the second floor. This collection is cataloged and shelved using Library of Congress subject headings; it encompasses board books, picture books, and juvenile through young adult literature, fiction and non-fiction titles.

New Book Shelves

New books added to the collection are featured on the second floor new book shelves. Keep up to date with additions to the juvenile and IRC collections via the Instructional Resource Center News & Information Blog.

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