Library Guide • EDEC 323
Welcome! This library guide supports your mentor text and traits research, lesson planning and teaching strategies, for Professor McDaniel's Trade Books, Mentor Texts, and Writing Methods course.
Here you will find information and handouts used during your library instruction session, as well as links to Archer Library and Instructional Resource Center resources.
What's Here? Guide Overview
This library guide includes:
- Introduction & Standards: Guide overview (this page) and information literacy standards.
- Juvenile Collection Overview: Explore collection basics, read how to browse the collection, and discover our new books.
- Finding Your Book: Review the infographics to learn more about Library of Congress call numbers and locate books 'in the stacks.'
- IRC Collection Overview: An introduction to the Instructional Resource Center's collections and resources.
- IRC Online: Visit the IRC website.
- Mentor Texts • Course Resources: Your professor has placed children's books on reserve at Archer Library. This tab features titles for grades K-2 and grades 3-5 with writing traits identified.
- Books on Reserve: A link to Archer Library catalog listing all of the titles on reserve for EDEC 323.
Using this Guide
Navigate the guide from left to right using the tabs at the top of the page. We will use different tabs during our three schedule library sessions: Library Instruction • Jigsaw, Finding Your Book, and Welcome to the IRC. A tab with information pertaining to Exit ticket Q & As will be added at the conclusion of each instruction session.
This guide will remain available at the conclusion of the session and, like all Archer Library guides, accessible online 24/7. Feel free to explore; select a tab to review page contents.
Questions? Need help?
If you have questions about any of the Library resources presented in this guide, or need help using them, feel free to contact me via email at
During IRC operating hours, Ask the IRC chat is available for general questions; a chat widget is located on this page. Stop in the IRC, Archer Library second floor, for help.