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EDEC 323 • Trade Books, Mentor Texts, & Writing Methods: Standards & References

Information and library resources for EDEC 323 with Professor McDaniel.

ACRL Framework for Information Literacy

"Searching for information is often nonlinear and iterative, requiring the evaluation of a range of information sources and the mental flexibility to pursue alternate avenues as new understanding develops" (ACRL, 2015).

Knowledge Practices: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities:

  • Determine the initial scope of the task required to meet their information needs;
  • Utilize divergent (e.g., brainstorming) and convergent (e.g., selecting the best source) thinking when searching;
  • Design and refine needs and search strategies as necessary, based on search results; and
  • Understand how information systems (i.e., collections of recorded information) are organized in order to access relevant information.

Dispositions: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities:

  • Exhibit mental flexibility and creativity;
  • Understand that first attempts at searching do not always produce adequate results;
  • Recognize the value of browsing and other serendipitous methods of information gathering; and
  • Seek guidance from experts, such as librarians, researchers, and professionals.

"Research is iterative and depends upon asking increasingly complex or new questions whose answers in turn develop additional questions or lines of inquiry in any field" (ACRL, 2015).

Knowledge Practices: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities:

  • determine an appropriate scope of investigation;
  • use various research methods, based on need, circumstance, and type of inquiry; and
  • synthesize ideas gathered from multiple sources.

Dispositions: Learners who are developing their information literate abilities:

  • consider research as open-ended exploration and engagement with information;
  • value intellectual curiosity in developing questions and learning new investigative methods; and
  • seek appropriate help when needed.


Association of College & Research Libraries. (2015, February 9). Framework for information literacy for higher education. American Library Association.



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