Welcome to the Ashland Theological Seminary Faculty Publication LibGuide! We here at the ATS Library are proud of the scholarship of our faculty and have created this LibGuide to showcase their work.
Hover over an alphabetical tab at the top of the page to generate a drop-down list of faculty names, and then click on a faculty name to be taken to the faculty member page. We have organized each page by articles published, and books and book contributions published. We have gone to every effort to include a link for each resource, whether it be to one of our journal databases, an eBook, a digitized copy of an article available via open access resources, our library catalog for a print book, or, an Amazon or vendor link if we do not have it via the library.
For Faculty: If you are a faculty member and recognize that something is missing from your page, please reach out and let us know! We want to make every effort to make this guide as extensive as possible. Also, in the event that we were unable to hyperlink a resource, we have still included text information from your provided bibliographies as a placeholder -- but if you have a link or resource available, let us know and we can update access to the resource. Additionally, as you publish new works, please bring them to the attention of Sarah or Daniel, so that we may add them on to this guide under your name.