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Faculty Publications: Other

Comprehensive guide of publications by AU faculty and staff


The Ashland University Faculty and Staff are active members of the research community, and The Archer Library is proud to share these research publications with the larger community and encourage their access. This guide is meant to be a comprehensive compilation of all published works of those employed by Ashland University while working at Ashland University.

Current categories of accepted works include: Books, Journal articles, Conference Papers, Music Scores/Compositions, and Book Reviews. URL links are provided to the full text or record of the publication wherever possible. The publications are organized by College and then by author chronologically. 

Notice a publication of yours is missing? Check the policy to make sure it meets the requirements and then please submit any publications to

Bensaid, Moshine (ACCESS)

Bensaid, Moshine. (2020) Improving Vocabulary and Inspiring Creativity. Ohio TESOL Journal 12(1). 

Campo, Carlos (Administration)

Campo, C. (2020, February 17). Strip the Labels.

Cronquist, Carol (Library)

Cronquist, C. (1997). Henry Courtney Selous: a panoramist’s work revealed by his journal. Apollo: The International Magazine for Collectors146, 36–40.

Dowdell, John (Administration)

Dowdell, J., McElfresh, D., & Sikula, J. (2009). How Teacher Educators Can Address Our Nation’s Financial Crisis. SRATE Journal18(1), 1–6.

Silverberg, D. A., Dowdell, J. J., & Sikula, J. P. (2008). An Overview of School Performance Reports in Correctional EducationJournal of Correctional Education59(1), 33–47.

Fiore, Douglas J. (Administration)

Fiore, D. J. (2009). Introduction to Educational Administration: Standards, Theories, and Practice. Second Edition. Eye on Education

Gable, Craig (Library)

Gable, C. . (2011). A Concordance to the Poetry of William Carlos Williams. Edwin Mellen Press.
Available as an ebook as well as in the catalog as physical copies. 

Gable, C. (2007). The Freedom to SelectAmerican Libraries38(3), 38.

Gleason, Michael (Administration)

McElfresh, Dwight (Administration)

Dowdell, J., McElfresh, D., & Sikula, J. (2009). How Teacher Educators Can Address Our Nation’s Financial Crisis. SRATE Journal18(1), 1–6.

McKnight, Oscar (Administration)

Tucker, L., & McKnight, O. (2019). Assessing the Validity of College Success Indicators for the At-Risk Student: Toward Developing a Best-Practice ModelJournal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice21(2), 166–183.

McKnight, O., Paugh, R., Waltz, J., & McKnight, J. (2015). Retrenchment in Higher Education: Public Perceptions and Marketing ImplicationsJournal of Higher Education Theory & Practice15(5), 67–73.

McKnight, O., Paugh, R., McKnight, J., Zuccaro, L., & Tornabene, G. (2014). Marketing Athletic Clubs, Recreation Centers and Country Clubs: Recruiting and Retaining Members Using PychodemographicsMarketing Management Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 111–117.

Volosin, D., McKnight, O., & Sikula, J. (2012). Ohio Student Social Skills Training Program Is Very SuccessfulEthics & Critical Thinking Journal2012(1), 11–27.

Schrecker, Diane (Library)

Schrecker, D. L. (2017). Library orientation in blackboard: supporting online and distance learners. Library Hi Tech News34(6), 11–13.

Schrecker, D. L. (2008). ALA 2007: A Tale of Collaboration: The Art of the Picture Book. New Library World109(3/4), 191–197.

Schrecker, D. L. (2008) Outreach & information: blogs in academic libraries. In Carol Smallwood (Eds.), Thinking outside the book : essays for innovative librarians (pp. ). McFarland & Co.

Schrecker, D. L. (2008) The art of the picture book conference: partnership beyond library walls. In Carol Smallwood (Eds.), Thinking outside the book : essays for innovative librarians (pp. ). McFarland & Co.

Schrecker, D. L. (2006). Marketing Electronic Reserves to the FacultyJournal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve16(4), 103–111.

Schultz, Joseph (Administration)

Schultz, J. (1997) Ashland: From College to University. Landoll.

Sikula, John (Administration)

Sikula, J. P. (2014). The Instructional Times Have Changed. Global Education Journal2014(1), 105–106.

Volosin, D., McKnight, O., & Sikula, J. (2012). Ohio Student Social Skills Training Program Is Very SuccessfulEthics & Critical Thinking Journal2012(1), 11–27.

Dowdell, J., McElfresh, D., & Sikula, J. (2009). How Teacher Educators Can Address Our Nation’s Financial Crisis. SRATE Journal18(1), 1–6.

Silverberg, D. A., Dowdell, J. J., & Sikula, J. P. (2008). An Overview of School Performance Reports in Correctional EducationJournal of Correctional Education59(1), 33–47.

Sikula, J., & Sikula Sr., A. (2005). Spirituality and service learningNew Directions for Teaching & Learning2005(104), 75–81.

Sikula, J., & Sikula, A., Sr. (2003). Online Education Is Not for EveryoneMid-Western Educational Researcher16(4), 18–20.

Sikula, J. (2003). Why Our Educational System Is Not WorkingAction in Teacher Education25(1), 89–92.

Sikula, J. (2003). 9-11, Sputnik, Pearl Harbor lessons learned about the American people. Ethics and Critical Thinking Journal, 2003(3), 1-7.

Sikula, J. (2002). A Professional-Development Model That Works. Kappa Delta Pi Record39(1), 40–42.

Heinmann, B. A & Sikula, J. (2001). How can organizational development principles be used to improve schooling. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 19(1), 5-12

Arnold, P., & Sikula, J. (1999). A new natural partnership: a college of education utilizing National Board certified teachers. American Secondary Education28(1), 27–30.

Sikula, J. (1991). John I. Goodlad’s “Teachers for Our Nation’s Schools”: A Framework for Translating Research into Practice. Action in Teacher Education13(1), 1–3.

Slater, Mitchell (Administration)

Slater, M., & Swain, G. (2005). What Happened While Solving a Linear System: A Tale about Teachers and Students, and the Persistence of a Simple Mathematical IdeaMathematics & Computer Education39(2), 103–109.



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