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Faculty Publications: College of Business and Economics

Comprehensive guide of publications by AU faculty and staff


The Ashland University Faculty and Staff are active members of the research community, and The Archer Library is proud to share these research publications with the larger community and encourage their access. This guide is meant to be a comprehensive compilation of all published works of those employed by Ashland University while working at Ashland University.

Current categories of accepted works include: Books, Journal articles, Conference Papers, Music Scores/Compositions, and Book Reviews. URL links are provided to the full text or record of the publication wherever possible. The publications are organized by College and then by author chronologically. 

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Bhasin, Balbir

Khiang, L. K, Low, K., Cheng, P. and Bhasin, B.(2003) Is an Asian Monetary Union Under a Yen Bloc Still Possible?  Management Development Journal of Singapore, 11(1), 31-49.

Bhasin, B. and  McKay, J. (2002) Mining law and policy in Indonesia: reforms of the contract of work model to promote foreign investment and sustainability. Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal, 21(1), 77-90.

Low, K and Bhasin, B. (2002) The fight for global talent: new directions, new competitors - a case study of Singapore, Career Development International, 7(2), 109-114, 2002.

Bhasin, B. and  McKay J. (2001) Mining law and policy in Indonesia: issues in current policy that need reform, Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 19(4), 329-343.

Colburn, Michael

Colburn, M. and Westerfelt, D. (2009) An Examination of Supervisory/Management Skills: Determining Hard and Soft Skills Preferences. Leadership & Organizational Management Journal, 2009(1).

Dawkins, Cedric

Dawkins, C. E., & Frass, J. W. (2005). Decision of union workers to participate in employee involvement: An application of the theory of planned behaviourEmployee Relations27(5), 511–531.

Drushal, J. Michael

Drushal M. E., & Drushal J. M. (2001). Inverting the hierarchical pyramid in non-profit organizations: political realities  of leadership. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 19(1), 54-64.

Fox, Daniel

Sullivan, D., Fox, D., Stoll, R., & Jacobs, R. (2021). Social Media, Confusion, and Small Business During the COVID 19 Crisis. Journal of Applied Business & Economics, 23(3), 13–22. 

Frass, John

Dawkins, C. E., & Fraas, J. W. (2013). An Exploratory Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility and DisclosureBusiness & Society52(2), 245–281. 

Piirto, J., & Fraas, J. (2012). A mixed-methods comparison of vocational and identified-gifted high school students on the overexcitability questionnaireJournal for the Education of the Gifted35(1), 3–34.

Dawkins, C., & Fraas, J. W. (2011). Coming clean: The impact of environmental performance and visibility on corporate climate change disclosureJournal of Business Ethics100(2), 303–322.

Allen, D & Fraas, J. W. (2006). An evaluation of a family preservation juvenile justice program with a Cox regression model. Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints 32(1), 1-8. 

Russell, J & Fraas, J. W. (2005). An application of panel regression to pseudo panel data. Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints 31(1), 1-15.

Fraas J, Newman I, & Brown R. (2004). Accessing a model's ability to classify subjects: the importance of considering marginally accurate classifications. Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints 30(1), 19-22.

Fraas, J. W. (2002). Assessing Faculty Salary Compression: An Application of Two MethodsMid-Western Educational Researcher15(4), 28–32.

Dawkins, C. E., & Frass, J. W. (2005). Decision of union workers to participate in employee involvement: An application of the theory of planned behaviourEmployee Relations27(5), 511–531.

Fraas, J., Newman, I., & Laux, J. (2000). A three-step adjustment procedure for type I error rates. Journal of Research in Education 10(1), 84-90.

Yukish, J. F., & Fraas, J. W. (1996). Success of Old Order Amish Children in a Strategy-Oriented Program for Children at Risk of Failure in Reading. Literacy, Teaching and Learning 2(1), 15-40.

Fraas, J., Newman, I., & Norfolk, T. (1995) The binomial index of model fit: an elaboration and a response to comments. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 2(2), 155-162.

Piirto, J., & Fraas, J. (1994). Androgyny in the Personalities of Talented AdolescentsJournal of Secondary Gifted Education6(2), 93–102.

Granot, Elod

Granot, E. (2019). 7 lessons to become a better leader. 

Granot, E. (2019). What and what not to buy during Labor Day weekend. News 5 Cleveland WEWS.

Heimann, Beverly

Heimann, B. A., & Sikula, J. (2001). How can organizational development principles be used to improve schooling. National Forum of Educational Adminsitration and Supervision Journal 19(1), 5-12.

Pittenger, K. K. S., & Heimann, B. A. (2000). Building Effective Mentoring RelationshipsReview of Business21(1/2), 38.

Heimann, B. A., & Pittenger, K. K. S. (1996). The impact of formal mentorship on socialization and commitment of newcomers. Journal of Managerial Issues, 8(1), 108–117.

Holmes, Paul

Holmes, P. M., & Kane, R. F. (2023). The Spread of Integration in Major League BaseballJournal of Sports Economics24(3), 271–284.

Holmes, P. M., Simmons, R., & Berri, D. J. (2018). Moneyball and the Baseball Players’ Labor Market. International Journal of Sport Finance13(2), 141–155.

Holmes, P. M., & Kane, R. F. (2017). Per-unit versus ad-valorem discrimination with an application to MLBApplied Economics Letters24(18), 1335–1339.

Jacobs, Raymond

Sullivan, D., Fox, D., Stoll, R., & Jacobs, R. (2021). Social Media, Confusion, and Small Business During the COVID 19 Crisis. Journal of Applied Business & Economics23(3), 13–22. 

Symons, RT and Jacobs, RA (1997) Multi-level process mapping: a tool for cross-functional quality analysis, Production and Inventory Management Journal, 38(4), 71-76.

Symons, RT. and Jacobs, RA (1995) A total quality management-based incentive system supporting total quality management implementation, Production and Operations Management, 4(3), 228-241.

Lifer, J. David

Schmeller, R., Stoll, R., & Lifer, J. D. (2022). Business capstone strategy simulations: Student perceptions of realism. Journal of Education for Business, 97(5), 343-350.

Schmeller, R., Stoll, R., & Lifer, J. D. (2021). Strategy simulations: The relationship of technical scores and socio scoresJournal of Education for Business96(8), 485–497.

Maxwell, James

Maxwell, J. (2008). Work system design to improve the economic performance of the firm. (2008). Business Process Management Journal14(3), 432–446.

Maxwell, J. R., & Westerfield, D. L. (2002). Technological Entrepreneurism Characteristics Related to the Adoption of Innovative Technology. SAM Advanced Management Journal67(1), 9.

McGurr, Paul

McGurr, P. T. (2002). The largest retail firms: a comparison of Asia-, Europe- and US-based retailersInternational Journal of Retail & Distribution Management30(3), 145–150. 

Mcgurr, P. T., & Devaney, S. A. (1998). A retail failure prediction model. International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research8(3), 259–276.

McGurr, P. T., & DeVaney, S. A. (1998). Predicting business failure of retail firms: an analysis using mixed industry modelsJournal of Business Research43(3), 169–176.

McGurr, P. T., & DeVaney, S. A. (1996). Patterns of retail change: a comparison of Indiana metropolitan and  nonmetropolitan counties 1972 - 1992. Journal of Regional Policy and Analysis 26(2), 35-48.

Nadler, Mark

Nadler, M. A., & Rumker, T. E. (2002). The Financial Education Company’s Guide to Money Management Skills for the unemployed. Financial Education Co.

Paugh, Ronald

McKnight, O., Paugh, R., McKnight, J., Zuccaro, L., & Tornabene, G. (2014). Marketing Athletic Clubs, Recreation Centers and Country Clubs: Recruiting and Retaining Members Using Pychodemographics. Marketing Management Association Annual Conference Proceedings, 111–117.

Pittenger, Khushwant

Pittenger, K. K. S., Miller, M. C., & Allison, J. (2006). Can We Succeed in Teaching Business Students to Write Effectively? Business Communication Quarterly69(3), 257–263. 

Pittenger, K. K. S., Miller, M. C., & Mott, J. (2004). Using Real-World Standards to Enhance Students’ Presentation SkillsBusiness Communication Quarterly67(3), 327–336.

Pittenger, K, and Kraft, M. (2004) The impact of influence tactics on the decisions of medical group practices : a case study. Group Practice Journal 53(6).

Pittenger, K. K. S., & Heimann, B. A. (2000). Building Effective Mentoring RelationshipsReview of Business21(1/2), 38.

Pittenger,  K. (1996) Networking strategies for minority managers. Academy of Management Executive 10(3).

Heimann, B., & Pittenger, K. K. S. (1996). The impact of formal mentorship on socialization and commitment of newcomers. Journal of Managerial Issues, 8(1), 108–117.

Pool, Steven

Rogers, Robert

Rogers, R. & Hollinger, B. (2004). The Impact on product prices of mergers in the petroleum industry. Southwestern Economic Review, 31(1). 

Rogers, R. P. (2003). The Effect of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) Regulation on Petroleum Product Prices, 1976-1981. Energy Journal24(2), 63.

Schumann, L., Reitzes, J. D., & Rogers, R. P. (1997). In the Matter of Weyerhaeuser Company: The Use of a Hold-Separate Order in a Merger with Horizontal and Vertical Effects. Journal of Regulatory Economics11(3), 271–289.

Rogers, R. P., & Woodbury, J. R. (1996). Market Structure, Program Diversity, and Radio Audience Size. Contemporary Economic Policy14(1), 81–91.

Rogers, R. P. (1993). The minimum optimal steel plant and the survivor technique of cost estimationAtlantic Economic Journal21(3), 30.

Mathios, A. D., & Rogers, R. P. (1990). The Impact and Politics of Entry Regulation on Intrastate Telephone RatesJournal of Regulatory Economics2(1), 53–68. 

Rumker, Terry

Nadler, M. A., & Rumker, T. E. (2002). The Financial Education Company’s Guide to Money Management Skills for the unemployed. Financial Education Co.

Russell, Jeffrey

Russell, J. (2005) An Application of Panel Regression to Pseudo Panel Data. Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints 31(1), 1-15.

Savage, Constance

Savage, C. (2003). Nursing leadership: oxymoron or powerful force. AAACN Viewpoint 25(4), 11-14

Schloemer, Paul

Schloemer, P. G., & Wilson, R. (2005). Minister Housing Allowance Presents New ChallengesCPA Journal75(12), 44–48.

Schloemer, P. G. (1996). An empirical study of tax practitioner research skills. Advances in Taxation, 129-147.

Samelson, D., & Schloemer, P. G. (1996). Tax research: Challenge and opportunityOhio CPA Journal55(2), 19.

Schloemer, P. G. (1994). An empirical assessment of the impact of Internal Revenue Code Section 263A. Advances in Taxation, 165-184.

Schloemer P., & Antenucci J. (1993). Supreme Court tightens reins on home office deduction. Arkansas Business and Economic Review Spring, 12-17.

Schmeller, Rebecca

Thavikulwat, P., & Schmeller, R. (2024). An Incentivized Honor System for Grading Preparatory Assignments of Business Games and Cases: Theory and Implementation. In Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL conference, 51.

Schmeller, R. (2023). Increasing Software Efficacy and Professor Fluency in Strategy Simulation. In Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL conference, 50.

Schmeller, R., Stoll, R., & Lifer, J. D. (2022). Business capstone strategy simulations: Student perceptions of realism. Journal of Education for Business, 97(5), 343-350.

Schmeller, R. (2022). Can business news articles be used to teach business model analysis?. In Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL conference, 49.

Schmeller, R. (2021). How to Make Strategy Simulations Relevant in Times of Pandemic In Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL conference, 48.

Schmeller, R., Stoll, R., & Lifer, J. D. (2021). Strategy simulations: The relationship of technical scores and socio scoresJournal of Education for Business96(8), 485–497.

Schmeller, R. (2020). Does Glo-Bus Strategy Simulation Demonstrate Novak’s Training Theory? Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning: Proceedings of the Annual ABSEL Conference, 47.

Schmeller, R. (2020).5 Best Business Credit Cards. Retrieved January 30, 2024, from

Schmeller, R. (2019). In strategy simulations, data analysis matters most (More than number of log ins and more than time spent logged in). Simulation & Gaming, 50(1), 62–75.

Skinner, David

Skinner, D. L. (1993). Twenty-Five Years of Tax Law Changes and Investor ResponseJournal of Financial Research16(1), 61.

Stoll, Richard

Schmeller, R., Stoll, R., & Lifer, J. D. (2022). Business capstone strategy simulations: Student perceptions of realism. Journal of Education for Business, 97(5), 343-350.

Schmeller, R., Stoll, R., & Lifer, J. D. (2021). Strategy simulations: The relationship of technical scores and socio scoresJournal of Education for Business96(8), 485–497.

Sullivan, D., Fox, D., Stoll, R., & Jacobs, R. (2021). Social Media, Confusion, and Small Business During the COVID 19 Crisis. Journal of Applied Business & Economics23(3), 13–22.

Symons, Richard

Symons, RT and Jacobs, RA (1997) Multi-level process mapping: a tool for cross-functional quality analysis, Production and Inventory Management Journal, 38(4), 71-76.

Symons, RT. and Jacobs, RA (1995) A total quality management-based incentive system supporting total quality management implementation, Production and Operations Management, 4(3), 228-241.

Westerfelt, Debra

Colburn, M. and Westerfelt, D. (2009) An Examination of Supervisory/Management Skills: Determining Hard and Soft Skills Preferences. Leadership & Organizational Management Journal, 2009(1).



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