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Faculty Publications: College of Education

Comprehensive guide of publications by AU faculty and staff


The Ashland University Faculty and Staff are active members of the research community, and The Archer Library is proud to share these research publications with the larger community and encourage their access. This guide is meant to be a comprehensive compilation of all published works of those employed by Ashland University while working at Ashland University.

Current categories of accepted works include: Books, Journal articles, Conference Papers, Music Scores/Compositions, and Book Reviews. URL links are provided to the full text or record of the publication wherever possible. The publications are organized by College and then by author chronologically. 

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Abreu-Ellis, Carla

Ellis, J. B. & Abreu-Ellis, C. (July, 2019). Moving beyond accessibility toward inclusivity. Parks and Rec Business, 22-25.

Abreu-Ellis, C. & Ellis, J.B. (February, 2019). Understanding the Elements of Inclusive Sensory Aquatic Play. Parks and Recreation: 2019 Aquatics Guide, 10-13. 

Ellis, J. B, & Abreu-Ellis, C. (2018). The Praxis of Disability and Schools in Ohio from 1925-1939Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 30(1), 30-48.

Wasowski, R., Moore, A., Borton, A., Ellis, B. M., Hendershott, K., Ellis, J. B., & Abreu-Ellis, C. R. (2017). Accessibility in Metrô Rio prior to the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea [Contemporary Judicial Theory],1, 6-35.

Ellis, J. B., Abreu-Ellis, C., Moore, A., Aukerman, K., Buttil, M., and Edwards, A. (2017). Developing Cultural Responsiveness while Teaching Content Standards: Lessons from a Brazilian Experience. The American Secondary Education 45(2), 69-84.

Ellis, J. B., & Abreu-Ellis, C. (January, 2017). A Practical Approach to Teaching Agriculture: A Review of Textbooks, 1905-1915. Country School Journal, 5, 17-32.

Abreu-Ellis, C., & Ellis, J. B. (January, 2016). Using Primary Sources and Artifacts to Align Instructional Activities to Curriculum Standards. Country School Journal, 4, 1-15.

Abreu-Ellis, C., & Ellis, J. B. (2016). Shifting Identity and the Cognitive Assimilation of Labels: Family Perceptions of Stigma and Mental Illness. The International Journal of Diverse Identities, 16(1), 17-32.

Abreu-Ellis, C., Ellis, J. B., Carle, A., Blevens, J., Decker, A., Carvalho, L., & Macedo, P. (2013). The merge of teletandem and web 2.0 tools. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 24(4), 353-369.

Bayley, J. G., Ellis, J. B., Abreu-Ellis, C., & O’Reilly, E. K. (2012). Rocky Road or Clear Sailing? Recent Graduates’ Recollections and Reflections of the Doctoral Journey. Brock Education, 21(2). 88-102.

Abreu-Ellis, C. & Ellis, J. B. (2010). Marginalization of women with HIV & AIDSThe International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 10(2), 277-285.

Abreu-Ellis, C. & Ellis, J. B. (2009). Principles of universal design in the classroom: a guideline for communication, teaching, and learning [Os princípios do desenho universal em sala de aula: orientação para a comunicação, ensino e aprendizagem]. Linhas: Revista do Programa de Pos-graduação em Educação da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC) [Lines: Journal of the State University of Santa Catarina Post-graduate Program in Education], 10(2), 127-143.

Abreu-Ellis, C., Ellis, J. B., & Hayes, R. (2009). College preparedness and time of learning disability identification. Journal of Developmental Education, 32(3), 28-38.

Ellis, J. B., Bayley, J. G., & Abreu-Ellis, C. (2008). Trends in Canadian faculties of education: An overview of graduate programs, curricular offerings, exit requirements, and modes of delivery. Brock Education,18(1), 90-97.

Abreu-Ellis, C., Knight, W., & Ellis, J. B. (2008). Regular versus shorter orientation: A comparison study of student characteristics and retention. Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 15(2), 56-68.

Ellis, J. B., & Abreu-Ellis, C. (2008). Cochlear implantation and Deaf Culture: Modern miracle or cultural genocide? International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, 4(2), 67-73.

Alston, Judy

Judy A. Alston. (2021). Purveyors of Change: School Leaders of Color Share Narratives of Student, School, and Community Success. Information Age Publishing.

Alston, J., & Bailey, T. (2021) African American Women Superintendents: Leadership, Schooling, and Social Change. In English, F. (Eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management Discourse. Palgrave Macmillan.

Alston, J. (2021) Perfect Practice Makes Perfect: Sister Mary Regis, OSP - Tempered Radical and Refined Revolutionary. In A. L. Ellis, N. D. Hartlep, G. Ladson-Billings, & D. Stovall (Eds.) Teacher Educators as Critical Storytellers: Effective Teachers as Windows and Mirrors Teachers College Press.

Alston, J. (2020) Inclusive Leadership and LGBTQ Students In G. Theoharis & M. Scanlan (Eds.),  Leadership for Increasingly Diverse Schools (2nd edition) Routledge.

Alston, J. (2019) Standing Outside of the Circle: The Politics of Identity and Leadership in the Life of a Black Lesbian Professor. In Evans, S. Y., Domingue, A.D., & Mitchell, T. D. (Eds.) Black Women and Social Justice Education: Legacies and Lessons SUNY Press.

Alston, J. A. (2012). Standing on the promises: a new generation of Black women scholars in educational leadership and beyond. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE)25(1), 127–129.

Alston, J. A. (2005). Tempered Radicals and Servant Leaders: Black Females Persevering in the SuperintendencyEducational Administration Quarterly41(4), 675–688.

Alston, J. A (2002) Multi-leadership in urban schools : shifting paradigms for administration and supervision in the new millennium. University Press of America.

Alston, J. A. (2000). Missing from Action: Where Are the Black Female School Superintendents? Urban Education, 35(5), 525.

Arnold, Penny

Arnold, P. (2001) Ashland University advocate/leadership model National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 19(1) 29-36

Arnold, P., & Sikula, J. (1999). A New Natural Partnership: A College of Education Utilizing National Board Certified TeachersAmerican Secondary Education28(1), 27–30.

Bailey, Joe

Ireh, M., & Bailey, J. (1999). A Study of Superintendents’ Change Leadership Styles Using the Situational Leadership ModelAmerican Secondary Education27(4), 22–32.

Billman, Linda

Fleming, L. C., & Billman, L. W. (2005). “Are You Sure We’re Supposed to be Reading These Books for Our Project?” Middle School Journal36(4), 33–40.

Fleming, L. C., & Billman, L. W. (2004). Literature and Environmental Studies. (Undetermined). Green Teacher74, 13–16.

Billman, L. W. (2002). Aren’t These Books for Little Kids? Educational Leadership60(3), 48–51.

Billman, L. W. (1994). Keep subs afloat. Executive Educator16, 29–31.

Bowman, Cynthia

Bowman, C. A. & Jaeger, P. T (Eds.) (2004) A guide to high school success for students with disabilitiesGreenwood Press.

Breault, Donna

Breault, D. & Callejo-Perez, D. (2018) The Doctoral Pandemic: How and Why Doctoral Programs Need to be Purged. In S. B. Harris (Eds.) Effective Teaching: Educators' Perspective of Meaning Making in Higher Education IAP.

Broda, Henry

Broda, H. W. (2011). Moving the Classroom Outdoors: Schoolyard-Enhanced Learning in Action. In Stenhouse Publishers. Stenhouse Publishers.

Broda, H. W. Taking your class outside (2003) In Braus J (Ed.) Windows on the Wild: Oceans of Life (pp 78-79) World Wildlife Fund.

Broda, H. W. (2002). Learning in and for the outdoors. Middle School Journal33(3), 34–38.

Broda, H. W. (2002) A change of pace and place: middle school students and the outdoors. Journal of the New England League of Middle Schools, 15(1) 31-33.

Broda, H. W. (2001) Teacher career stages and local professional development committees: a powerful linkage Ohio ASCS Journal 4(1) 4-6.

Broda, H. W. (2001) The Ashland University Middle Grade Teacher Preparation Program. Ohio Middle School Journal 26(2) 28-30.

Broda, H. W. (2000) Outdoor Education: the Time is Ripe EECO Green Papers Monograph 2000(2).

Brown, Katherine

Brown, K. T. (2024). Arboreal Symbolism in European Art, 1300–1800. Taylor & Francis.

Brueggeman, Marti

Knickerbocker, J. L., & Brueggeman, M. A. (2008). Making Room on the Shelf: The Place of Postmodern Young Adult Novels in the CurriculumAmerican Secondary Education37(1), 65–79.

Brueggeman, M. (2001) The comprehensive quest: action research of five teachers. Ohio ASCD Journal 2001(5)14-18.

Brueggeman, M. (1996) Supporting parent and child storybook reading In Neate, B. (Ed.), Literacy Saves Lives  United Kingdom Reading Association. 

Burton, Fredrick

Burton, Fredrick (2009) Lessons for New (and Experienced) Principals: Remembering the Whole Child Principal Navigator 2009(Winter).

Drushal, Mary Ellan

Drushal M. E., & Drushal J. M. (2001). Inverting the hierarchical pyramid in non-profit organizations: political realities  of leadership. National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 19(1), 54-64.

Edlefson, Carla

Edlefson, C. (2010). Teaching Political Analysis: A FrameworkMid-Western Educational Researcher23(4), 14–19.

Edlefson, C. (2003) Assessing the results of school improvements efforts. Ohio ASCD Journal 6(2) 4-8.

Edlefson, C., & Barrow, R. (2001). The impact of litigation on school facilities funding in OhioJournal of Education Finance27(2), 701–712.

Edlefson, C., Gerrick, W. G., Lahr, S., & Sommers, N. (2001) The Job Market: perspectives of newly-credentialed school administrators National Forum For Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 19(1) 13-28.

Ellis, Jason Brent

Ellis, J. B. & Abreu-Ellis, C. (July, 2019). Moving beyond accessibility toward inclusivity. Parks and Rec Business, 22-25.

Abreu-Ellis, C. & Ellis, J.B. (February, 2019). Understanding the Elements of Inclusive Sensory Aquatic Play. Parks and Recreation: 2019 Aquatics Guide, 10-13. 

Ellis, J. B, & Abreu-Ellis, C. (2018). The Praxis of Disability and Schools in Ohio from 1925-1939. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 30(1), 30-48.

Wasowski, R., Moore, A., Borton, A., Ellis, B. M., Hendershott, K., Ellis, J. B., & Abreu-Ellis, C. R. (2017). Accessibility in Metrô Rio prior to the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea [Contemporary Judicial Theory],1, 6-35.

Ellis, J. B., Abreu-Ellis, C., Moore, A., Aukerman, K., Buttil, M., and Edwards, A. (2017). Developing Cultural Responsiveness while Teaching Content Standards: Lessons from a Brazilian Experience. The American Secondary Education 45(2), 69-84.

Ellis, J. B., & Abreu-Ellis, C. (January, 2017). A Practical Approach to Teaching Agriculture: A Review of Textbooks, 1905-1915. Country School Journal, 5, 17-32.

Abreu-Ellis, C., & Ellis, J. B. (January, 2016). Using Primary Sources and Artifacts to Align Instructional Activities to Curriculum Standards. Country School Journal, 4, 1-15.

Abreu-Ellis, C., & Ellis, J. B. (2016). Shifting Identity and the Cognitive Assimilation of Labels: Family Perceptions of Stigma and Mental Illness. The International Journal of Diverse Identities, 16(1), 17-32.

Abreu-Ellis, C., Ellis, J. B., Carle, A., Blevens, J., Decker, A., Carvalho, L., & Macedo, P. (2013). The merge of teletandem and web 2.0 tools. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 24(4), 353-369.

Bayley, J. G., Ellis, J. B., Abreu-Ellis, C., & O’Reilly, E. K. (2012). Rocky Road or Clear Sailing? Recent Graduates’ Recollections and Reflections of the Doctoral Journey. Brock Education, 21(2). 88-102.

McRae, A., & Ellis, J. B. (2012). Early childhood perceptions of diversity: A case of addressing multicultural education in the classroom. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 8(1), 13-26.

Abreu-Ellis, C. & Ellis, J. B. (2010). Marginalization of women with HIV & AIDS. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 10(2), 277-285.

Abreu-Ellis, C. & Ellis, J. B. (2009). Principles of universal design in the classroom: a guideline for communication, teaching, and learning [Os princípios do desenho universal em sala de aula: orientação para a comunicação, ensino e aprendizagem]. Linhas: Revista do Programa de Pos-graduação em Educação da Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC) [Lines: Journal of the State University of Santa Catarina Post-graduate Program in Education], 10(2), 127-143.

Abreu-Ellis, C., Ellis, J. B., & Hayes, R. (2009). College preparedness and time of learning disability identification. Journal of Developmental Education, 32(3), 28-38.

Ellis, J. B., Bayley, J. G., & Abreu-Ellis, C. (2008). Trends in Canadian faculties of education: An overview of graduate programs, curricular offerings, exit requirements, and modes of delivery. Brock Education,18(1), 90-97.

Ellis, J. B., Awender, T., Lamoureux, G., Wessel, D., & Donohoo, J. (2008). Of class, culture, and accountability. The International Journal of Learning, 15(2), 25-34.

Abreu-Ellis, C., Knight, W., & Ellis, J. B. (2008). Regular versus shorter orientation: A comparison study of student characteristics and retention. Journal of College Orientation and Transition, 15(2), 56-68.

Ellis, J. B., & Abreu-Ellis, C. (2008). Cochlear implantation and Deaf Culture: Modern miracle or cultural genocide? International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, 4(2), 67-73.

Ellis, J. B., & Garske, G. (2007). Anishinabek spirituality: Traversing grief and loss. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 7(1), 229-236.

Engler, Carol

Engler, C., (2014). The First Turning. CreateSpace.

Engler, C. (2004) The ISLLC standards in action : a principal. Eye On Education.

Engler C. M., Lahr, A. S. (2002) Will the Real Instructional Leader Please Stand Up? Ohio OSCD Journal 2002(Spring). 

Flemming, Louise

Fleming, L. C. (2012) A Case for Local Democracy. Global Studies Journal, 4(1), 139-46.

Fleming, L. C. (2011) A Case for Place-Based Education in Inservice Educators. The Ohio Journal of Teacher Education, 24(2), 19-23.

Fleming, L. C. (2011). Civic Participation: A Curriculum for Democracy. American Secondary Education, 40(1), 39–50.

Fleming, L. C., Ellsworth, J., & Mudra, J. (2010) No Teacher Left Inside Thresholds in Education, 2010(36).

Baker, P. H., & Fleming, L. C. (2005). Lesson Plan Design for Facilitating Differentiated Instruction. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 18(4), 35–44.

Fleming, L. C., & Billman, L. W. (2005). “Are You Sure We’re Supposed to be Reading These Books for Our Project?” Middle School Journal36(4), 33–40.

Fleming, L. C., & Billman, L. W. (2004). Literature and Environmental Studies. (Undetermined). Green Teacher74, 13–16.

Fleming, L. C., & Baker, P. H. (2002). Differentiating in the Classroom: A Study of Student Teachers.

Fleming, L. C. (1995) Isocrates: How Does This Guy from 2500 Years Ago Address Middle Grades Education Today?. Ohio Middle School Journal, 22(1), 7-12.

Gerrick, Greg

Edlefson, C., Gerrick, W. G., Lahr, S., & Sommers, N. (2001) The Job Market: perspectives of newly-credentialed school administrators National Forum For Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 19(1) 13-28.

Walley, C.W., & Gerrick, W. G., (1999) Affirming Middle Grades Education. Allyn and Bacon.

Groman, Jennifer

Groman, J. (2019) What is a Colleague? OAGC Review

Groman, J. L. (2019). The Bully’s Face: Using Art to Understand Bullying in Gifted Children. Gifted Child Today, 42(1), 12–18.

Ifedi, Rosaire

Ifedi, R. (2020) "My Darling Jesus!" A simple walk with an Awesome God. Independently published.

Idefi, R. (2008) African-born women faculty in the United States: lives in contradictionEdwin Mellen Press.

Kaltenbaugh, Lance

Kaltenbaugh, L. P. (2009). A Study on Job Satisfaction Among Campus Recreation Administrators at Four-Year Public and Private InstitutionsRecreational Sports Journal33(2), 89–101.

Kammerer, Douglas

Kammerer, D. & Weiler, J. (2006) What is curriculum? Teachers' perspectives. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education, (2).

Kearney-Gissendaner, Janet

Kearney-Gissendaner, J. E. (2010). Minority Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategies. In Eye on Education. Eye on Education.

Kearney, J. (2004) Growing your own teachers in the future: a unique approach. Best Practices in School Personnel, 2004(May-July).

Knickerbocker, Joan

Knickerbocker, J. L. (2014). Vintage Films as Primary Sources In the History ClassroomAmerican Secondary Education43(1), 69–83.

Knickerbocker, J. L., & Brueggeman, M. A. (2008). Making Room on the Shelf: The Place of Postmodern Young Adult Novels in the CurriculumAmerican Secondary Education37(1), 65–79.

Knickerbocker, J. L., & Rycik, J. A. (2006). Reexamining Literature Study in the Middle Grades: A Critical Response Framework. American Secondary Education, 34(3), 43–56.

Knickerbocker, J. L., & Rycik, J. (2002). Growing into Literature: Adolescents’ Literary Interpretation and AppreciationJournal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy46(3), 196–208.

Kommer, David

Walley, C., & Kommer, D. (2000). Writing as Part of the TeamClearing House73(4), 232.

Kommer, D. (1999). Is it Time to Revisit Multiage Teams in the Middle Grades? Middle School Journal30(3), 28–32.

Kommer, D. (1999). Beyond fashion patrol: school uniforms for the middle gradesMiddle School Journal30(5), 23–26.

Kommer, D. (1998). Lessons from a Violent Spring. Ohio Middle School Journal 24(Fall).

Kormos, Erik

Lahr, Sherry

Edlefson, C., Gerrick, W. G., Lahr, S., & Sommers, N. (2001) The Job Market: perspectives of newly-credentialed school administrators National Forum For Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 19(1) 13-28.

Mitchell, Linda

Mitchell, L. C. (2004). Making the MOST of Creativity in Activities for Young Children with Disabilities. YC: Young Children59(4), 46–49.

Olive, James

Olive, J. (2019). The Impact of Longitudinal Action Research on Doctoral Student Retention and Degree CompletionQualitative Report24(3), 470–482.

Olive, J. L. (2015). The Impact of Friendship on the Leadership Identity Development of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer StudentsJournal of Leadership Education14(1), 142–159.

Piirto, Jane

Piirto, J. (2021). Organic Creativity for 21st Century SkillsEducation Sciences11.

Piirto, J. (2014). The Poet VisitsAdvanced Development14, 113.

Piirto, J., & Fraas, J. (2012). A mixed-methods comparison of vocational and identified-gifted high school students on the overexcitability questionnaireJournal for the Education of the Gifted35(1), 3–34.

Piirto, J. (2010). 21 Years With the Dabrowski Theory: An Autoethnography. Advanced Development12, 70–92.

Piirto, J. (2009). “All Children” Includes The TalentedEducational Insights13(3), 1–17.

Piirto, J., Montgomery, D., & May, J. (2008). A comparison of Dabrowski’s overexcitabilities by gender for American and Korean high school gifted studentsHigh Ability Studies19(2), 141–153.

Piirto, J. (2008) Talented children and adults : their development and education. (3rd ed). Prufrock Press.

Piirto, J. (2008) Krishnamurti and me: meditations on his philosophy of curriculum and on India. In Claudia Eppert & Hongyu Wang (Eds.). Cross-cultural studies in curriculum : eastern thought, educational insights. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Piirto, J. (2008). The Last Word: An Interview With Michael PyrytJournal of Advanced Academics19(2), 345–353.

Reynolds, F. C., & Piirto, J. (2007). Honoring and Suffering the Thorn: Marking, Naming, and Eldering Depth Psychology II. Roeper Review29(5), 48–53.

Reynolds, F. C., & Piirto, J. (2005). Depth Psychology and Giftedness: Bringing Soul to the Field of Talent Development and Giftedness. Roeper Review: A Journal on Gifted Education27(3), 164–171.

Piirto, J. (2005). I Live in My Own Bubble: The Values of Talented AdolescentsJournal of Secondary Gifted Education16(2/3), 106–118.

Piirto, J. (2005). The Creative Process in Poets. In J. C. Kaufman & J. Baer (Eds.), Creativity across domains: Faces of the muse. (pp. 1–22). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

Piirto, J. (2002). “Motivation is first--then they can do anything”: Portrait of an Indian school for the gifted and talentedGifted Child Quarterly46(3), 181–192.

Piirto, J. (2002). My Teeming brain: understanding creative writers. Hampton Press. 

Piirto, J. (2002). How Not to Kick Your Child in the Behind [Review of Keeping Your Kids Out in Front Without Kicking Them From Behind: How to Nurture High-Achieving Athletes, Scholars, and Performing Artists, by IanTofler, ; DiGeronimo, Theresa Foy.]. Contemporary Psychology47(5), 546–548.

Piirto, J. (2000). Krishnamurti and me: meditations on India and on his philosophy of education. Curriculum Theorizing 16(2), 109-124.

Piirto, J. (2000). The Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development. Gifted Child Today23(6), 22.

Piirto, J. (1999). Implications of postmodern curriculum theory for the education of the talentedJournal for the Education of the Gifted22(4), 324–353.

Piirton, J. (1999). A Different Approach to Creativity Enhancement. Tempo 3(1).  

Piirto, J. (1999). Talented children and adults : their development and education. Merrill. 

Piirto, J. (1998). Themes in the lives of successful contemporary US women creative writersRoeper Review: A Journal on Gifted Education21(1), 60–70.

Piirto, J. (1997). No rootless flower: an ecology of creativity [Review of No Rootless Flower: An Ecology of Creativity, by Frank Barron]Creativity Research Journal, 10(2/3), 279.

Piirto, J., & Fraas, J. (1994). Androgyny in the Personalities of Talented AdolescentsJournal of Secondary Gifted Education6(2), 93–102.

Piirto, J. (1994). A location in the Upper Peninsula: essays, poems, stories. Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1991). Why are there so few? (Creative women: Visual artists, mathematicians, musicians)Roeper Review: A Journal on Gifted Education13(3), 142–147.

Rycik, James

Rycik, J., & Rycik, M., (2006) Phonics and word identification: instruction and intervention, K-8Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

Knickerbocker, J. L., & Rycik, J. A. (2006). Reexamining Literature Study in the Middle Grades: A Critical Response Framework. American Secondary Education, 34(3), 43–56.

Rycik, J., & Irvin, J. (2005) Teaching reading in the middle grades : understanding and supporting literacy development. Pearson/A and B.

Rycik, J. (2003) Literacy and middle schools: a natural fit. Ohio Middle School Journal 27(1) 8-13.

Knickerbocker, J. L., & Rycik, J. (2002). Growing into Literature: Adolescents’ Literary Interpretation and AppreciationJournal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy46(3), 196–208.

Rycik, J., & Irvin, J. (Eds). (2001) What adolescents deserve : a commitment to students' literacy learning. International Reading Association.

Moore, D. W., Bean, T. W., Birdyshaw, D., & Rycik, J. A. (1999). Adolescent literacy: a position statement. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 43(1), 97-111.

Rycik, Mary

Rycik, J., & Rycik, M., (2006) Phonics and word identification: instruction and intervention, K-8Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

Shelly, Ann

Shelly, R. K., & Shelly, A. C. (2009). Speech Content and the Emergence of Inequality in Task GroupsJournal of Social Issues65(2), 307–333.

Silverberg, David

Silverberg, D. A. (Ed.) (2018) Institutional change from within : teaching and learning in higher education. Rowman & Littlefield.

Silverberg, D. A., Dowdell, J. J., & Sikula, J. P. (2008). An Overview of School Performance Reports in Correctional EducationJournal of Correctional Education59(1), 33–47.

Slattery, Patrick

Slattery, P. (1999). The excluded middle: postmodern conceptions of the middle school In: C.W. Walley & W. G. Gerrick, Affirming Middle Grades Education. Allyn and Bacon.

Kincheloe, J. L., Pinar, W., & Slattery, P. (1994). A last dying chord? Toward cultural and educational renewal in the SouthCurriculum Inquiry24, 407–436.

Sommers, Norman

Edlefson, C., Gerrick, W. G., Lahr, S., & Sommers, N. (2001) The Job Market: perspectives of newly-credentialed school administrators National Forum For Educational Administration and Supervision Journal 19(1) 13-28.

Walley, Carl

Walley, C., & Kommer, D. (2000). Writing as Part of the TeamClearing House73(4), 232.

Walley, C.W., & Gerrick, W. G., (1999) Affirming Middle Grades Education. Allyn and Bacon.

Walley, C. W. (1993). An invitation to reading fluencyReading Teacher46, 526–527.

Walters, Howard

Walters, H. (2013)  The Other Side: The Caribbean Slave Trade as Foreground for the Neoliberal Tourist Industry Journal of the Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture, 49.

Wlodarsky, R., & Walters, H. (2007) The event path for professional reflection: the nature and characteristics of reflective practice among teacher education faculty. Journal of Cognitive Affective Learning 4(1), 25-31.

Walters, H., Bishop, T., & Luketic, C. (2004) Impact of the classroom exploration of oceans: final report. National Geographic Society and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean Exploration.

Walters, H., & Bishop, T (2004) The classroom exploration of oceans online workshop series. Current: The Journal of Marine Education 2004(June).

Walters, H.,  Dindo, J., Spranger, M., & Walker, S. (2002) Leveraging resources for environmental education: the Southeast Regional ANS Education Project. Current: The Journal of Marine Education 2002(Spring).

Weiler, James

Kammerer, D. & Weiler, J. (2006) What is curriculum? Teachers' perspectives. Ethnographic and Qualitative Research in Education, (2).

White, Jeffry

White, J. L.,  Altschuld, J.W., & Lee, Y-F (2006). Persistence of interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics: a minority retention study. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 12(1), 47-64.

White, J. (2001) Performance outcome models in healthcare marketing. Health Services and Administration, 2001(7), 6-9.

Wlodarsky, Rachel

Wlodarsky, R., & Walters, H. (2007) The event path for professional reflection: the nature and characteristics of reflective practice among teacher education faculty. Journal of Cognitive Affective Learning 4(1), 25-31.



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