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ENG 101 • English Composition [Allen]: Library Session • Research Starters

Library resources and information supporting professor Allen's ENG 101 class.

What is a Database?

Research databases are an organized collection of resources, such as scholarly journals, periodicals, peer-reviewed articles, newspapers, eBooks, or media, available to users online. They are a powerful tool providing students the ability to craft, modify, and limit search results to find credible information.

Archer Library, as a member of OhioLINK, provides students with access to database collections from vendors such as EBSCO, Gale, and Ithaka (JStor). These proprietary resources are restricted to select users. Because of this restriction, off campus use requires login with AU credentials.


Discovery Search

OneSearch Screen Grab

Image: OneSearch & Library Resources Box, Archer Library


Located on the library web site with research resources.

OneSearch is a comprehensive search tool providing access to the library catalog and databases using a single search box. It is 'one-stop-shopping,' so to speak, allowing users to identify a wide variety of resources - books, e-books, and articles.

➤ OneSearch can save time and lead you to resources that may otherwise be overlooked. It is useful for locating information to start the research process, whether from a book or journal article.

➤ OneSearch can be overwhelming due to the sheer volume of items returned with a single search. Take time to focus search results using filters provided.

Session Databases

Research Starters

These databases, plus OneSearch, were featured during library instruction.



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