Identifying terms for database searching (and more).
Keyword: A significant word in the abstract, title (1), or text (2) of a work (1) that is used as a descriptor (1). Can be considered a type of search term (ALA Glossary of Library Information Science, 2013)
Keyword: A significant or memorable word or term in the title, abstract, or text of an information resource that indicates its subject and is often used as a search term (ACRL-IS Glossary, 2018)
Keywords are the most important words or concepts in your research topic or question. Tips for selecting / identifying keywords for a search include:
Sometimes the results support your search, other times they miss the mark. Why? Keep in mind that:
When searching a database, these words are not always the same.
Photo 2: Free to use from Pixabay
The photographer: "Mt. Rushmore, National Park, South Dakota."
Search term used on Pixabay was "Lincoln Memorial"
Keyword Examples: Mt. Rushmore, National Park, National Memorial, South Dakota, sculpture, Black Hills, Tourist attraction, President's Memorial, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Museum, and national exhibit.
Photo 1: Free to use from Pixabay
The photographer: "Disney, Florida, Magic Kingdom."
Search term used on Pixabay was "Disney World."
Keyword examples: Disney, Disney World, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse, amusement park, tourist attraction, statue of Walt Disney, Cinderella's Castle, Florida vacation destination, and summer vacation.