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ENG 101 • English Composition [Scott-Roller]: Session 2 • Keywords

Library resources and information for Professor Scott-Roller's ENG 101 class.

Keyword Searching

Identifying terms for database searching (and more).

Keyword • Definitions

Keyword: A significant word in the abstract, title (1), or text (2) of a work (1) that is used as a descriptor (1). Can be considered a type of search term (ALA Glossary of Library Information Science, 2013)

Keyword: A significant or memorable word or term in the title, abstract, or text of an information resource that indicates its subject and is often used as a search term (ACRL-IS Glossary, 2018)

Exploring & Identifying Keywords

Keywords are the most important words or concepts in your research topic or question.  Tips for selecting / identifying keywords for a search include:

  • Identify the most important 2 to 4 words or concepts from your research question or topic.
  • A quick way identify important words or concepts is to choose the most important nouns.
  • Develop a list of alternate words with the same or similar meaning.
  • Use a thesaurus, dictionary, research starter, article subject terms, Wikipedia, or conduct a google search to find additional terms.
  • Take time to identify what the words mean to you as a researcher.

Keywords, Subject Terms, & More

Sometimes the results support your search, other times they miss the mark. Why? Keep in mind that:

  • Keywords are selected by users and most natural language options.
  • Subject terms are defined by individual databases.
  • Author keywords are supplied by article authors for their work.

When searching a database, these words are not always the same.

To Consider

photograph of mount rushmore

Choose Keywords for this photo.

The photographer:  "Mt. Rushmore, National Park, South Dakota."

Search term used on Pixabay was "Lincoln Memorial"

Keyword Examples: Mt. Rushmore, National Park, National Memorial, South Dakota, sculpture, Black Hills, Tourist attraction, President's Memorial, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Museum, and national exhibit. 

Photo of Disney World

Choose Keywords for this photo.

The photographer:  "Disney, Florida, Magic Kingdom."

Search term used on Pixabay was "Disney World."

Keyword examples: Disney, Disney World, Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse, amusement park, tourist attraction, statue of Walt Disney, Cinderella's Castle, Florida vacation destination, and summer vacation.



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