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Seminary Literature Review: Using Google Scholar

Working with Google Scholar

Define Google Scholar Settings

Follow these steps to define search settings and locate article resources available from Archer Library at Ashland University. You must have cookies enabled in your browser for settings to be applied. If your browser is set to remove cookies after closing the browser, you will need to define these settings with each subsequent use. Consider signing in to a Google account, either your personal or AU account, to save settings.

Navigate to Google Scholar

On the Google Scholar home page, select the hamburger menu located at the top left corner of the page; choose settings from the menu options. A new screen will open   Google Scholar Settings


Locate and select Library Links from the left sidebar menu. As noted, it is possible to search for and save up to five library resources. We will search for and select Ashland University.


Remember, "online access library subscriptions is usually restricted to patrons of that library."  This is the case when setting up Ashland University as a library link.

  Library Links



Find Through AU Library - will appear as an option below the search box.

Place a check mark in the box next to Find through AU Library and SAVE. Remember, cookies must be turned on to save settings.

Enter Ashland University into the search box and conduct the search.

  Find through AU Library


Conduct a Google Scholar Search


Enter the search term:


Stephen Brookfield critical thinking

  Google Scholar search

Look for: Find through AU Library


Google Scholar returned 15,500 results (removing patents and citations reduces the number to 14,900).

Two of the articles on the initial results page:

Assessing Critical Thinking, and
Critically Reflective Practice.

have Find through AU Library designations.

To view Assessing Critical Thinking, click on the Find through AU Library link.

  Scholar results


Authenticate to view Off-Campus


If working off campus, you will need to authenticate with AU Library using the Off-Campus Login page.

Enter your Ashland University username and password; these are the same credentials you use to login to Blackboard and AU email.

Login to continue.

  Login from off-campus


Full Text Finder


You will be directed to the Library's Full Text Finder.

If the article is available in more than one database, options will display. In this instance, Assessing Critical Thinking is available in full-text from Wiley.

Select the Wiley link to view the article.

  Full text finder

Viewing the Article


Assessing Critical Thinking
by, Stephen Brookfield


Wiley Online Library access is available to you through Archer Library.

Abstract: "The author discusses the process of critical thinking and his belief that it is social process, then offers three locally grounded strategies for assessing critical thinking: experiential, behavioral, and conversational."

In addition to the abstract and article, metrics are available including number of time cited and references.

Click the PDF icon to view the article.

  View the article



Database, OneSearch, & Google Scholar

Assessing Critical Thinking, by Stephen Brookfield, is also available in Education Research Complete and can be be found using OneSearch on the Archer Library web site. Neither of these database options were presented in the Google Scholar search results. Had it not been available from the publisher, the resource would not have been found. This is one example of the limitations of Google Scholar and illustrates the importance of conducting research using library databases. Not all research is created equal; take time to make informed research decisions.



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