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Archer Library



XR Learning Resources: Technology We Use

A LibGuide about the XR room and XR technology in the Archer Library.

Technology We Use

This page shows the types of XR devices and technologies we are using at Ashland University. As XR technology develops, this page will update with items we currently use. Click on a tab below to view information about the device listed.

XR Devices in Use at AU

What is HoloLens 2?

The HoloLens 2 headset is an augmented reality/mixed reality holographic headset developed and manufactured by Microsoft. The headset is equipped with lenses that project images on the lower half of the lens, allowing the user to see both the physical world they inhabit while also viewing and interacting with holograms that appear within the lenses. Also, cameras and sensors are equipped on the headset to track user's hand movements, allowing the user to interact and manipulate the holograms.



Introducing Microsoft HoloLens 2



HoloLens 2 On Stage Demonstrations


What is a hologram?

A hologram is an object made of light and sound that appears in the world around you like a real object. With the HoloLens, holograms can respond to your gaze, gestures, and voice commands, and can interact with real-world surfaces. Watch the video below to see what we mean!




What Can HoloLens 2 Do?

Watch the videos below to check out how the HoloLens 2 headset is being used!



About the HoloLens 2

Click here to visit Microsoft's landing page that provides detailed information for the HoloLens 2 headset.



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