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EDFN 501 • APA Seminar: Evaluating Journals

Library information and resources supporting EDFN 501 APA Seminar


Evaluating Journal Types

Evaluating journal types is an important part of the research process. This page provides an overview of three journal types, criteria to help the identification process, and basic characteristics of each. Watch the video introduction, then explore the characteristics for each journal type to learn more.

Reviewing Journal Type

Characteristics: Scholarly / Peer Reviewed Journals

Click on the journal cover to view resource in OhioLINk's Electronic Journal Center (EJC)

journal of black studies


 Written by experts in the field

 Author credentials are noted, affiliation detailed

 Peer reviewed

 Writing is well researched, advanced reading level

 Abstracts and/or summaries

 Contains data, charts, and graphics

 Article often is lengthy, multiple pages

 Citations, references, and/or bibliography are presented

 No advertisements

 Published by professional organization

Closer Look: Scholarly Journals


scholarly journal



Lee, J. H., Portillo, M., & Meneely, J. (2020). Insights into three frames of creative minds: Igniting perspective transformation among first-year university students. Journal of Transformative Education, 18(2), 138-162.


Characteristics:  Practitioner Journals

Click on the journal cover to view resource in Education Research Complete



Written by professionals in the field

Author credentials are noted, affiliation detailed

Reviewed by journal editors

Writing is professional, vocabulary specific to field

General abstract or summary provided

May contain data, charts, and/or graphics

Article is several pages long

Citations, references and/or bibliography may be presented

May contain advertisements specific to journal or field

Published by professional organization

Closer Look: Practitioner Journal

Practitioner Journal



Wiggins, A. (2020). A better way to assess discussions. Educational Leadership, 77(7), 34–38.


Characteristics: Popular Magazine

Click on the journal cover to view resource in Academic Search Complete.

Psychology Today


Written by magazine staff and/or journalists

Author credentials are not presented, noted as by-line

Edited and revised by staff

Writing is less formal, highly readable

Introduction or teaser header to article in place

Contains photographs and/or illustrations

Article may be single page or portion of a page

No citations or references are in place

Numerous advertisements are presented

Published commercially

Closer Look: Popular Magazine

Popular Magazine



Eckel, S. (2020). Face value. Psychology Today, 53(3), 46–54.


General Criteria

General criteria are available to help determine if periodicals and journals are scholarly, often called peer-reviewed journals, practitioner / professional journals, or popular magazines.

Consider such things as:

Authority - Who wrote the article? What qualifications or credentials do they have regarding subject?

Content - What style of writing is used? Is it objective or trying to sell you something? Is it fact or opinion?

Audience - Who is the intended reader? What reading level is the article (advanced, general)?

Citation - Is the article properly cited? Does it have a bibliography or footnotes?

Review Process - Has the article been reviewed by subject specialists?

Handout: Evaluating Journal Type 



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