Welcome to our LibGuide for Communication Studies. Use this as a starting point for your research.
The Databases for Scholarly Journal Articles tab contains a collective list of the current databases that we subscribe to with research related to Communication and Communication Studies. There is also a list of multi-disciplinary databases to help you broaden your search.
The Archer Library Books tab is a curated collection of print titles available for checkout at the Ashland University Archer Library. We have included the call number with each book so that you can go right to the stacks to find it.
The eBooks and eBook Databases tab contains both a curated collection of recent eBooks covering Communication Studies, and also a list of databases you can search to find more eBooks on your topic.
Finally, the Professional Organizations tab lists and links to the leading professional organizations related to communication and communication studies.
If you have questions please use the Contact box to get in touch!