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ATS eBook Resources

An Ashland Theological Seminary supplementary guide providing a list of ebook resources for our students, faculty, and staff.

Counseling APA eBook Collections

Counseling APA eBook Collections

This page provides access to APA Counseling eBook Collections that we have specifically purchased yearly for the Counseling program. They have been organized by year within tabs for browsing.

You can browse each yearly collection by clicking on a tab below and scrolling through the list. Click on an eBook to open it. If you are accessing an eBook from off campus, you will need to authenticate with your username and password before you can read the book.

APA eBook Collections By Year

2025 APA eBooks Collection

The following eBooks were released as the selections for the APA eBook Collection for the year 2025. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.

This collection is being released from APA in batches over the next year, and so our page will be updated as we gain access to more and more books from the collection.

2024 APA eBooks Collection

The following eBooks were released as the selections for the APA eBook Collection for the year 2024. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.

2023 APA eBooks Collection

The following eBooks were released as the selections for the APA eBook Collection for the year 2023. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.

2022 APA eBooks Collection

The following eBooks were released as the selections for the APA eBook Collection for the year 2022. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.

2021 APA eBooks Collection

The following eBooks were released as the selections for the APA eBook Collection for the year 2021. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.

2020 APA eBooks Collection

The following eBooks were released as the selections for the APA eBook Collection for the year 2020. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.

2019 APA eBooks Collection

The following eBooks were released as the selections for the APA eBook Collection for the year 2019. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.

2018 APA eBooks Collection

The following eBooks were released as the selections for the APA eBook Collection for the year 2018. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.

2017 APA eBooks Collection

The following eBooks were released as the selections for the APA eBook Collection for the year 2017. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.

American Psychiatric Association eBook Collection

The following eBooks were released as a collection from the American Psychiatric Association. Click on any title to view the detailed record and access the full text PDF of the work.



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