There is no "fiction" section in the AU Library. We catalog fiction according to the Library of Congress call number system. Using the LC system, fiction is shelved according to the author's country of origin and time period. Literary criticism, interpretations, and translations are shelved together with the fiction of that author. You'll find French literature in these call number ranges:
French- PQ 2660-3807
Literature written in French outside of France - PQ 3809-3999
To find literature written in French, search the library catalog by author, title or keyword. After you have a list of results, click the Modify Search button at the top of the page, and limit the language to French.
Ashland University Library Catalog
Go to the WorldCat Catalog
Includes books and other media in US libraries. Used only for locating, not requests. Enter your zipcode to find availability in a library near you.
Search Tips
Keyword Search
With keyword you can search for simply france
Expand your results by using OR -- (france OR french OR provence OR paris)
Focus your results by using AND-- french AND identity
Put quotes or parentheses around phrases when you want to retrieve all of the words, in the exact order given. Example: " french revolution"
You can use an * to retrieve multiple variants of a word with one efficient search. Example: fantast* retrieves results with fantasy, fantistic, fantastical, fantastik
You can also use combined searches such as (french OR cannes) AND "motion pictures"
It can be useful to start with a keyword search and use the results to identify the subject headings to use in a Subject search.
Subject Search
· Requires specific Library of Congress (LC) Subject Headings. The words have to be typed in the exact order used by Library of Congress. You cannot use AND or OR.
Examples of relevant Library of Congress Subject Headings
Reference books are a great place to start your search. Reference books provide an overview of a topic, typically just a few pages. If you take a few moments to skim a reference book, you'll get some great ideas on the key points on your topic that you can use for deeper research.
Reference books are shelved on the main floor of the library. The books must be used in the library, but because the entries are so brief, it is usually takes just a few minutes to jot down a few notes or make a list of relevant keywords.
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