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Seminary Library Religion Resources Introduction: Bible Commentaries

Search the Library Catalog

Use the steps below to search for and locate physical print Bible commentaries in the ATS Library. You can use the call number listed underneath a commentary to find it in the stacks, and then take it to the circulation desk for checkout.

To search for commentaries in the library catalog:

1) Search under the subject search option

2) Use the search configuration "Bible + Book of the Bible + Commentaries" (i.e. Bible Samuel Commentaries, Bible Exodus Commentaries)

eBook Commentaries

For your convenience and for students at a distance, we also have been actively purchasing many Bible commentaries in the eBook format. We have included windows with organized boxes below, displaying a selection of Bible eBook commentaries you can access from anywhere with your AU credentials.

You can also find these eBook commentary collections in their own tabs on our ATS eBook Resources page located as a link from our main LibGuide page, or here:

Old Testament Commentaries

Commentaries on the book of Genesis

Commentaries on the books of 1 & 2 Samuel

Commentaries on the book of Psalms

Commentaries on the book of Isaiah

Commentaries on the book of Jeremiah

Commentaries on the book of Ezekiel

New Testament Commentaries

Commentaries on the book of Matthew

Commentaries on the book of Luke

Commentaries on the book of John

Commentaries on the book of Acts

Commentaries on the book of Romans

Commentaries on the books of 1 & 2 Corinthians

Commentaries on the book of Galatians

Commentaries on the book of James

Commentaries on the books of 1 & 2 Peter

Non-Canonical Works

Commentaries or Academic Works (aka Monographs) on the Apocalypse of Abraham

Commentaries or Academic Works (aka Monographs) on Baruch and the Epistle of Jeremiah

Commentaries and Academic Works (aka Monographs) on the Genesis Apocryphon

Commentaries or Academic Works (aka Monographs) on Judith

Commentaries or Academic Works (aka Monographs) on the Life of Adam and Eve

Commentaries or Academic Works (aka Monographs) on Psalms of Solomon

Commentaries or Academic Works (aka Monographs) on the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs

Commentaries or Academic Works (aka Monographs) on Vulgate Daniel

Commentaries or Academic Works (aka Monographs) on Wisdom



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