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Archer Library



Ashland Theological Seminary Library

Research LibGuide for Ashland Theological Seminary students. We are a Graduate Division of Ashland University.

ATS Special Collections

ATS Special Collections

This page contains brief information related to some of the specialized collections that are available here at the ATS Library. Read below to learn more about our Brethren resources, The Charles F. Pfeiffer Collection, and the Loeb Classical Library.

Brethren Resources

Brethren Resources

Here in Ashland we offer several resources related to the Brethren denomination. These are listed below.

Seminary Library Brethren Collection

The ATS Seminary Library has dedicated shelving for Brethren materials, located on the South side of the library. Click here for a library catalog listing of Brethren materials available in the Brethren Collection area. Note: Anything in the collection will be marked "SEMINARY Brethren Collection", but materials may also be marked as existing in other locations when we have duplicates.

Brethren Historical Library and Archives

Housed in the Church of the Brethren National Offices, immediately next to our seminary campus, the Brethren Historical Library and Archives is the official repository for Church of the Brethren publications and records. Learn more by checking out their home page, or by visiting this listing of their collection!

Brethren Digital Archives

The Mission of the Brethren Digital Archives is to digitize some or all of the periodicals produced from the beginning of publication to the year 2000 by each of the Brethren bodies who trace their origin to the baptism near Schwarzenau, Germany in 1708. Click here for access to all digital collections, and click any item within a collection to view it. This is also not part of our seminary library organization, but a unique resource that deserves to be highlighted considering our Brethren heritage.

The Pfeiffer Collection

The Pfeiffer Collection

The Pfeiffer Collection is a special collection containing the personal library of Charles Franklin Pfeiffer, who bequeathed his entire personal library of 7,500 volumes to the seminary library. Dr. Pfeiffer was a professor of Ancient Literatures at Central Michigan University, and an adjunct professor of Old Testament here at Ashland Theological Seminary. The library of this famous Biblical scholar is rich in the history, geography, literature, art, and languages of the ancient and modern Biblical world.

The Pfeiffer Collection is kept on the South side of the library, against two walls, and can be identified with call number tags beginning with "Pfei".

The Loeb Classical Library

The Loeb Classical Library

For decades the ATS library has collected the Loeb Classical Library volumes as they were published. The Loeb Classical Library provides page-facing English translations along with the original Greek or Latin text, and covers the span of Greek and Roman history, literature, art, religion, and more.

The Loeb Classical Library is kept at the end of the row of shelving of our Reference section in the North end of the ATS Library.



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